legislative sessions Archives - Page 77 of 83 - State and Federal Communications

The first session of the 29th Alaska State Legislature adjourned on Monday, April 27 after a week of frustrating budget negotiations. A deal was passed to fund the government through the fall. Following adjournment, Gov. Bill Walker immediately called a […]

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April 28, 2015  •  

Montana Legislature Adjourns

The Montana Senate and the House both adjourned sine die on April 28, 2015. Governor Steve Bullock, who does not have a pocket veto, has 10 days upon delivery to sign, veto, or recommend amendments to bills. The Legislature, which […]

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The 2015 regular session of the Washington State Legislature adjourned sine die on April 26, 2015. However, legislators did not come to an agreement on the state’s budget. Therefore, the Legislature will convene a special session on Wednesday, April 29, […]

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Both chambers of the Tennessee General Assembly adjourned the 2015 session on Wednesday, April 22. The session was highlighted by the passage of legislation allowing handgun-carry permit holders to be armed in any state park and a failed attempt to […]

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The Legislature formally adjourned sine die on April 22, 2015, but with the possibility of a special session later this year. Gov. Asa Hutchinson has indicated he will likely call legislators back to address the state’s Medicaid expansion. A legislative […]

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The Washington State Legislature appears to be headed to a special session if state lawmakers cannot come to an agreement on the state budget before April 26, 2015, the session deadline set by the state constitution. The source of the […]

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Lawmakers met one final time Friday, April 17 to finalize the ethics reform bill passed at the close of the legislative session. Gov. Terry McAuliffe proposed an amendment to change the gift limit from $100 per gift, but allowing an […]

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Alaska Gov. Bill Walker hinted at a possible special session if the Legislature does not act on Medicaid expansion before the session’s scheduled end on Sunday. Walker considers expansion necessary while many legislators have concerns about adding thousands of people […]

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The General Assembly reconvened Wednesday to review several proposed legislative amendments offered by Gov. Terry McAuliffe, including changes to the ethics reform bill. The bill, as sent to the governor, changes the lobbyist gift limit from $250 per year from […]

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The General Assembly adjourned late Monday, April 13, 2015, after a lengthy debate regarding the state’s fiscal plan. Last week Gov. Larry Hogan issued an executive order to extend the session if lawmakers failed to pass a budget, but the […]

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April 13, 2015  •  

Idaho Legislature Adjourns

The Idaho Legislature adjourned sine die early Saturday, April 11, 2015. The 90-day session concluded after both houses reached a compromise on a major transportation funding bill. The bill approved $94.1 million for road and bridge repairs, failing to erase […]

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Gov. Larry Hogan issued an executive order to extend the legislative session beyond the expected adjournment date of April 13, 2015. Executive Order 01.01.2015.15 will extend the General Assembly session for no longer than 10 days to provide additional time […]

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The Legislature adjourned sine die on April 2, 2015, after the House finalized work on two bills passed by the Senate. Photo of the Mississippi State Capitol by Shawn Lea on Wikimedia Commons.

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April 6, 2015  •  

Arizona Legislature Adjourns

On April 3, the Arizona Legislature adjourned its regular session sine die. Gov. Doug Ducey has until April 15 to sign or veto legislation. The governor does not have a pocket veto. Photo of the Arizona State Capitol by Jeff […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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