Joanna Kamvouris, Author at State and Federal Communications - Page 15 of 22

The Second Session of the 54th New Mexico Legislature adjourned sine die on February 20 at noon after 30 days in session. During the session, legislators endorsed a $7.6 billion general fund budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1. […]

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Utah Capitol Building - Jkinsocal

A compromise over filling congressional vacancies progressed on February 11, earning passage through the House on a party-line vote. House Bill 17 seeks to resolve years of dispute that began in 2017 with the resignation of former Rep. Jason Chaffetz. […]

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Gov. Kevin Stitt issued an executive order on February 3 designed to prune state regulations by 25%. Executive Order 2020-03 has two main requirements. First, state agencies must review their administrative rules and list any that are expensive, ineffective, redundant, […]

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Rep. Joseph Sanchez is resigning from his House District 40 seat to run for election to the 3rd Congressional District. Sanchez previously defeated Tweeti Blancett in the general election for the seat on November 6, 2018. The race for the […]

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Voters in the November 3 election will decide whether the Honolulu prosecuting attorney should be limited to two consecutive four-year terms. Honolulu City Council members voted unanimously on January 29 to add the measure to the 2020 election ballot. Voters […]

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Rep. Jason Smalley resigned from his Senate District 28 seat effective January 31 after serving six years in the district. Smalley will become a senior account manager at Motorola Solutions Corp. for their Oklahoma operation. By law, the special election […]

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A federal judge in New Mexico ruled on January 30 that a Santa Fe ordinance requiring disclosure of campaign spending more than $250 on a ballot proposition is constitutional. Santa Fe Campaign Code 9-2.6, passed in 2015, states that a […]

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A panel of federal appellate judges held on January 27 that a campaign contribution blackout law that has been in place in Arkansas since 1996 is likely unconstitutional. The panel upheld a preliminary injunction that U.S. District Judge James Moody […]

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Voters in east El Paso and the Lower Valley will choose a new representative in a special runoff election for City Council District 6 on Saturday, January 25. Claudia Rodriguez and Debbie Torres face off in the runoff after they […]

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State Rep. Susan Beckman announced her resignation from House District 38 to assume a position within President Trump’s administration. Beckman has not yet announced what position she will assume. Her District 38 seat will be filled by a vacancy committee […]

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Hundreds of demonstrators are calling for Gov. Wanda Vázquez to resign after the recent discovery of unused disaster relief supplies in a warehouse in the southern coastal city of Ponce. A video of the crowd storming the warehouse went viral, […]

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In an effort to increase transparency, Sen. Jeff Steinborn is sponsoring a bill that would require post-session lobbying reports. Under Senate Bill 53, lobbyists or their employers would have to file an expenditure report within 14 days after each legislative […]

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Utah Agriculture and Food Commissioner Kerry Gibson has resigned from Gov. Gary Herbert’s cabinet to run for Utah’s 1st Congressional District. Kelly Pehrson was named the interim manager of the department. Heading into the November 3 election is incumbent Rob […]

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After eight years, Kansas Rep. Brandon Whipple resigned from his House District 96 seat on January 13 to become mayor of Wichita, Kansas. Whipple defeated incumbent Jeff Longwell to become Wichita’s mayor on November 5, 2019. The Sedgwick County Democratic […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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