I learned a long time ago people donate resources to three, five at the most, organizations. In my case, those three are the Greek Orthodox church, Kent State University, and United Way of Summit/Medina (UWSM) — not in that order. […]
I learned a long time ago people donate resources to three, five at the most, organizations. In my case, those three are the Greek Orthodox church, Kent State University, and United Way of Summit/Medina (UWSM) — not in that order.
Helping the United Way can be a great way to make a positive impact on your community. United Way works on various issues such as education, financial stability, and health, and they collaborate with local organizations to create long-term solutions.
Many companies partner with United Way to organize workplace giving campaigns. We have a great workplace giving program. If your workplace hosts one, you can get involved by contributing financially or helping to promote the campaign to your colleagues. I currently serve on the UWSM Executive Committee and in 2023/2024, I was the campaign chair helping to bring in new workplace campaigns.
Let me say State and Federal Communications’ work with United Way started decades ago. We had just hired Nola Werren to the staff and she asked why we didn’t donate to United Way. Her father, Chuck Hogan, had led the United Way in Trumbull County. I called Bob Kulinski, then president of United Way in Summit County and our program started.
We built our workplace campaign after speaking with other leaders in Akron. We learned from a past campaign chair about the Fair Share + Program. This took the UW Fair Share amount — average 1.5% of someone’s salary — and added $1 per paycheck. In our case, which would be $24 more a year.
The local United Way provided a free PTO day at Christmas if they brought in 100% participation. We adjusted it a bit and now provide the day before Thanksgiving off for 100% participation. We reached it most years, but we did not in 2024. It really is okay; our campaign exceeded all other goals.
There are a lot of ways to help United Way. Some include:
- Volunteering your time — United Way offers a variety of volunteer opportunities. You can help by participating in community service projects, mentoring, tutoring, or assisting with special events. My staff particularly likes Stuff the Bus and Read-to-Me day.
- Advocate — This is easily done by spreading awareness about United Way’s mission by sharing their work on social media, writing to local leaders, or organizing events promoting their initiatives.
- Join a committee — If you are interested in a leadership role, consider joining one of United Way’s committees or their board. This is a way to contribute your professional expertise to help the organization succeed.
State and Federal just finished its 14th Annual Donuts and Cider campaign. We started this to add to what we were pledging to UWSM. We take orders from the community and Joe May and Nicolette Koozer lead the team to set up our table on Halloween Day. We donate all sales to UW. It does not bring in a lot, but we usually donate $1,000 to UWSM and a lot of people enjoy delicious donuts and apple cider.
What can I tell you about our company’s campaign, which just ended:
- 43 people pledged $65,022
- 22 people pledged Fair Share +
- 30 people pledged at leader levels starting at $500
People have their thoughts about the United Way. All that is known is in Summit/Medina County we are making changes with our Bold Goals, which are:
- Ready for Success — 65% of Akron Public School third graders read at or above grade level.
- Youth Success — College and Career Readiness where 90% of APS high schoolers graduate in 4 years, with 60% college/career ready and Youth Opportunities and Success where 60% of Akron youth employed or active in extracurriculars.
- Financial Empowerment — 11,000 people in Summit County and 2,500 people in Medina County.
- Health Equity — Reduce the Black infant mortality rate in Summit County to 6 per 1,000 live births.
There are 11,000 United Ways in this country. Find yours and make a difference.
Thank you.
Elizabeth Z. Bartz
November 8, 2018 •
United Way Read to Me Day
On read to me day, volunteers sign up with the United Way of Summit County to read to an elementary school classroom for 30 minutes. Joe May and I were assigned to a kindergarten and third grade class at the […]
On read to me day, volunteers sign up with the United Way of Summit County to read to an elementary school classroom for 30 minutes.
Joe May and I were assigned to a kindergarten and third grade class at the Harris-Jackson Community Learning Center in the Akron Public School (APS) system.
I read “Leo the Late Bloomer” and “The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig” to the kindergartners. These books were recommended by retired APS teacher, Zoe McClish.
The kids LOVED both books, and the teacher was quite excited when I gifted them to the class.
Upon finishing, I got a Certificate for Participating, and even received some sweet hugs for coming in!
Joe May read “The Chocolate Touch” and “Pippi Longstocking” to his third grade class.
The teacher and the students were truly excited to receive those books as gifts too!

October 25, 2018 •
Come and Get Your Donuts and Apple Cider!
On Wednesday, October 31, State and Federal Communications is hosting its Ninth Annual Halloween Donuts and Cider Sale. All sales will go directly to the United Way of Summit County. Drop in and say hello from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. […]
On Wednesday, October 31, State and Federal Communications is hosting its Ninth Annual Halloween Donuts and Cider Sale. All sales will go directly to the United Way of Summit County.
Drop in and say hello from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. and enjoy a delicious treat, or take some of these goodies to your office! We’ll be in the lobby of 80 South Summit St. in Downtown Akron, across from Quaker Square.
The Krispy Kreme regular and chocolate donuts are $1.00 per donut or $7.00 per dozen. The apple cider will be $1.00 per cup or $8.00 per gallon.
To reserve your donuts, you can email Joe May at jmay@stateandfed.com, or call us at 330-761-9960.
November 27, 2017 •
Giving Back to Our Community This Holiday Season
We are kicking off the holiday season with our Stock(ing) the Sleigh project for the Akron community. This year we are collecting socks for the homeless. Our sock drive begins today and ends on Monday, December 18. All donations […]
We are kicking off the holiday season with our Stock(ing) the Sleigh project for the Akron community. This year we are collecting socks for the homeless. Our sock drive begins today and ends on Monday, December 18. All donations will benefit the Haven of Rest, which serves hundreds of homeless people in the Akron area.
Also, we are gathering snacks for the children in the Akron Public Schools with United Way’s Holiday Snack Pack Drive! It starts today and runs until Monday, December 11. You can be a champion for a hungry child in the Akron Public Schools by bringing in snack items – you can find the list of snacks here.
October 23, 2017 •
Come and Get Your Donuts and Apple Cider!
On Tuesday, October 31, State and Federal Communications is hosting its Eighth Annual Halloween Donut and Apple Cider Sale. All sales will go directly to the United Way of Summit County. Drop in and say hello from 8:30 to 11:00 […]
On Tuesday, October 31, State and Federal Communications is hosting its Eighth Annual Halloween Donut and Apple Cider Sale. All sales will go directly to the United Way of Summit County.
Drop in and say hello from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. and enjoy a delicious treat. We’ll be in the lobby of 80 South Summit St. in Downtown Akron, across from Quaker Square.
The Krispy Kreme regular and chocolate donuts are $1.00 per donut or $7.00 per dozen. The apple cider will be $1.00 per cup or $8.00 per gallon.
To reserve your donuts, you can email Joe May at jmay@stateandfed.com, or call us at 330-761-9960.
July 14, 2017 •
NYCU Video Digest – July 14, 2017
Before the week is over, be sure to catch up on any state government and ethics news you may have missed in this week’s video digest!
Before the week is over, be sure to catch up on any state government and ethics news you may have missed in this week’s video digest!
July 11, 2017 •
State and Federal Communications “Stuffs the Bus”
State and Federal Communications does all it can to give back to the community. One of the main ways we contribute is by working with the United Way. Along with the many other United Way programs we participate in, we […]
State and Federal Communications does all it can to give back to the community. One of the main ways we contribute is by working with the United Way. Along with the many other United Way programs we participate in, we have a yearly campaign to collect donations for its Stuff the Bus program.
The Stuff the Bus program collects school supplies for children from the Akron Public Schools. This year’s campaign runs from July 9 to September 6. There are three different ways to participate in Stuff the Bus: request a collection bin, volunteer at the Sort-a-Thon, or deliver the backpacks to the students. We are getting collection bins to gather supplies, but each part of this event is important and contributes to making it successful. The United Way will be collecting supplies from July 9 to August 18, the Sort-a-Thon takes place on August 22, and Delivery Day is September 6.
State and Federal Communications loves being a part of a program that encourages education. We want to see Akron Public Schools’ students succeed and grow into educated men and women. State and Federal Communications firmly stands behind this cause, and we really promote the message within our company and campaign to get our whole staff to participate. We are excited to Stuff the Bus this year as we have many times before!
To learn more, visit the United Way’s Stuff the Bus website.
June 26, 2017 •
Summit County United Way Day of Action
Written by interns Katelynn Chilson and Olivia Williams: State and Federal Communications has a strong commitment to helping our community. We believe we all have a responsibility to help our community, and we try to give back in whatever ways […]
Written by interns Katelynn Chilson and Olivia Williams: State and Federal Communications has a strong commitment to helping our community. We believe we all have a responsibility to help our community, and we try to give back in whatever ways we can.
Every year we join Summit County United Way and participate in their Day of Action. In previous years, we’ve helped landscape the Lake Anna YMCA, sorted clothes and painted at Goodwill, and painted the gymnasium walls at the East Akron YMCA. On June 21, we helped to put on a carnival at the YMCA Family Enrichment Center in Akron, Ohio. It was a wonderful experience to help the kids with arts and crafts, officiate potato sack races, and run other carnival-inspired games.
We had a great day at the YMCA Family Enrichment Center. Seeing the excitement on the children’s faces made for a fun-filled and inspiring Day of Action. Each year we are reminded why we love volunteering our time to the growth of our community, and each year we love to see the community coming together to make Akron the welcoming city it is.
Check out a few more of our favorite photos from this years Day of Action!

December 22, 2016 •
Giving Back to Our Community This Holiday Season
State and Federal Communications is proud to work in Akron and we recognize our responsibility to reach out to the community around us. This month our team has been busy gathering food for the United Way Holiday Snack Packs Food […]
State and Federal Communications is proud to work in Akron and we recognize our responsibility to reach out to the community around us.
This month our team has been busy gathering food for the United Way Holiday Snack Packs Food Drive helping the children of Summit County. We also had fun playing Santa by collecting gifts for the Summit County Children Services Holiday Toy Room Program. Take a look at the fun we had!
October 17, 2016 •
Come and Get Your Donuts and Apple Cider!
On Monday, October 31 State and Federal Communications is hosting its annual Halloween Donut and Apple Cider sale. All sales will go directly to the United Way of Summit County. Drop in and say hello from 8:30 to 11:00 […]
On Monday, October 31 State and Federal Communications is hosting its annual Halloween Donut and Apple Cider sale. All sales will go directly to the United Way of Summit County.
Drop in and say hello from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. and enjoy a delicious treat. We’ll be in the lobby of 80 South Summit St. in Downtown Akron, across from Quaker Square.
The Krispy Kreme donuts are $1.00 per donut or $7.00 per dozen. The apple cider will be $1.00 per cup or $8.00 per gallon.
To reserve your donuts, you can email Tony Didion at adidion@stateandfed.com, or call us at 330-761-9960.
August 25, 2016 •
We’re Lending a Hand to Stuff the Bus!
The new school year has arrived and State and Federal Communications is proud to support United Way of Summit County’s Stuff the Bus program to make sure all children in the Akron Public Schools have the supplies they need! […]
The new school year has arrived and State and Federal Communications is proud to support United Way of Summit County’s Stuff the Bus program to make sure all children in the Akron Public Schools have the supplies they need! We had a wonderful time gathering a mountain of crayons, markers and notebook paper.
Thank you United Way for everything you do to make our community thrive.
November 2, 2015 •
United Way—Time to Give Your Fair Share
State and Federal Communications started its 16th United Way campaign this week. This is a great opportunity for everyone on staff to help those less fortunate. And, I will say I pride myself on achieving 100 percent participation most years—even […]
State and Federal Communications started its 16th United Way campaign this week. This is a great opportunity for everyone on staff to help those less fortunate. And, I will say I pride myself on achieving 100 percent participation most years—even though we missed that mark for the current campaign.
I bring this up because many people in government relations are chosen by their own management to supervise United Way campaigns. This is all about sharing so please let me know what works for you.
How does that happen? One hundred percent participation is hard to achieve. Well, as our staff is donating to help those less fortunate, I donate back to them. I save up all those fabulous American Express Membership Rewards and use them for gift cards as premiums to the staff. I am not sure if anyone else receives emails from Regal Cinemas, but I am also able to purchase discount movie tickets for the team.
Here is our program:
- Once we reach 100 percent participation all employees will receive three (3) Flee @ 3 days in 2016. We are asking for a minimum pledge of $2.50 per paycheck.
- If any one person increases his or her pledge from the current campaign, he or she will each receive movie tickets plus the opportunity to wear jeans for a month. [Our outside accounting firm said this was a big incentive for its staff.]
- Fair Share + is something we picked up from the Red Cross and that is a $1 extra donation per paycheck. Everyone who pledges Fair Share + will have the costs of Imagination Library paid for by State and Federal Communications, three vouchers to the great summer lunches at the John S. Knight Center, and qualification to our Charitable Service Program, which allows employees to use 24 hours of time to assist a charitable organization. Many of the staff are on board in the region and this always helps those organizations who would otherwise flounder without time and treasure.
- We also provide incentives for those who reach United Way Leadership Levels.
- Crystal pledges ($500-$999)—receive a $150 gift card plus four (4) movie tickets;
- Bronze pledges ($1,000-$1,499)—receive a $200 gift card plus six (6) movie tickets;
- Copper pledges ($1,500-$2,499)—receive a $250 gift card and eight (8) movie tickets; and
- Silver pledges ($2,500-$5,000)—receive a $300 gift card and 10 movie tickets.
We will have a Trifecta drawing for everyone who pledges Fair Share +, at one of the above Leadership Levels, and commits to participating and blogging in our Charitable Service Program. Stay tuned to see what those prizes will be … and, we will do everything possible to utilize all of those American Express Membership Rewards points.
Here is what I think the best thing about our commitment to United Way is—State and Federal Communications matches dollar for dollar every pledge made. That match stays local to help United Way, making our campaign one of the top 50 campaigns in Summit County.
So what do you do to help those less fortunate in your community? Let’s share our stories and make this a great way to help our regions.
Thank you.
Elizabeth Z. Bartz
President and CEO
October 30, 2015 •
Donuts, Cider, and Zany Characters
State and Federal Communications held its 6th Annual Halloween Donut and Cider Sale today in the lobby of our office. It was all for the good cause of helping our amazing friends at United Way of Summit County. We were […]
State and Federal Communications held its 6th Annual Halloween Donut and Cider Sale today in the lobby of our office. It was all for the good cause of helping our amazing friends at United Way of Summit County. We were excited to welcome Jim Mullen, United Way of Summit County’s president and CEO, as well as Sarah Catherine Teixeira, Katie Rennard, and Laura Brelin.
We knew we couldn’t host a Halloween sale without a few wacky costumes, so our office party was “pay-to-play,” with a $5 entry to star in our costumes-of-choice.
Take a look at some of the office revelry:
October 26, 2015 •
Donuts and Cider!
On Friday, October 30 State and Federal Communications is hosting its sixth annual Halloween Donut and Apple Cider sale. All proceeds will benefit the United Way of Summit County. Drop in and say hello from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and […]
On Friday, October 30 State and Federal Communications is hosting its sixth annual Halloween Donut and Apple Cider sale. All proceeds will benefit the United Way of Summit County.
Drop in and say hello from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and enjoy a delicious treat. We’ll be in the lobby of 80 South Summit St. in Downtown Akron, across from Quaker Square.
The Krispy Kreme donuts are $1.00 per donut or $7.00 per dozen. The apple cider will be $1.00 per cup or $8.00 per gallon.
To reserve your donuts, you can email Nicolette Koozer at nkoozer@stateandfed.com, or call us at 330-761-9960.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.