April 21, 2017 •
Executive Committee of the Williams Honors College Alumni Board Honors University of Akron Students
If we believe Benjamin Franklin’s old adage, “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” But today’s student loan market can discourage many young people from realizing their potential through higher education. As a result, I was thrilled to accept […]
If we believe Benjamin Franklin’s old adage, “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” But today’s student loan market can discourage many young people from realizing their potential through higher education. As a result, I was thrilled to accept an invitation to chair The University of Akron Williams Honors College Alumni Board’s Endowed Scholarship Committee, which selects a junior in The University of Akron Williams Honors College to receive a scholarship to defray the costs of their senior year of study, allowing them instead to focus on successfully completing their college education while also juggling post-graduation plans.
Since assuming the role of Secretary on the Executive Committee of the Williams Honors College Alumni Board (WHCAB) in 2016, I have participated in many wonderful opportunities to meet emerging leaders and successful alumni dedicated to building the Akron community. However, reviewing the scholarship applications provided a renewed sense of pride in my alma mater and the place where I grew up; each student was incredibly accomplished, and determined to meaningfully contribute to their campus and community.
At our annual Alumni and Student Breakfast held April 8, 2017, the Committee honored ten outstanding seniors, the recipient of the The John B. and Kathryn M. Hunter Award in Community Leadership and Service, and the 2017 Endowed Scholarship winner, Neil Bernard. Neil is a native of South Africa who chose The University of Akron Williams Honors College to begin his educational journey towards becoming a doctor, and he was selected for his excellent scholastic accomplishments, in addition to his civic engagement.
Looking to the future, I hope to continue fostering relationships between University of Akron students, alumni, and Akron’s community leaders, ideally to help Akron maintain bright, driven young people. I am extremely grateful to State and Federal Communications, Inc. for supporting me in this goal.

October 26, 2015 •
Donuts and Cider!
On Friday, October 30 State and Federal Communications is hosting its sixth annual Halloween Donut and Apple Cider sale. All proceeds will benefit the United Way of Summit County. Drop in and say hello from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and […]
On Friday, October 30 State and Federal Communications is hosting its sixth annual Halloween Donut and Apple Cider sale. All proceeds will benefit the United Way of Summit County.
Drop in and say hello from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and enjoy a delicious treat. We’ll be in the lobby of 80 South Summit St. in Downtown Akron, across from Quaker Square.
The Krispy Kreme donuts are $1.00 per donut or $7.00 per dozen. The apple cider will be $1.00 per cup or $8.00 per gallon.
To reserve your donuts, you can email Nicolette Koozer at nkoozer@stateandfed.com, or call us at 330-761-9960.
March 11, 2011 •
Highlighted Site of the Week – Harvest for Hunger
Hunger is real. It is important to know that in our communities there are people who experience hunger on a regular basis and by all indications, the problem is increasing in Northeast Ohio.
This week our Highlighted Site of the Week is the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank’s Harvest for Hunger Campaign. The Foodbank is a distribution center that supplies food to 430 community outreach organizations, which in turn help nearly 180,000 people in need in eight counties of Northeast Ohio. It is a Herculean effort.
I have seen the operation first-hand: The place is huge (85,000 square feet), super-organized, and amazingly clean. The people who work there are my heroes. They work hard, they are friendly to the many guests who arrive in need, and they love to share with the community about the work of the Foodbank.
Each year the Foodbank has a drive called Harvest for Hunger. As their website says, Harvest for Hunger is “one of the largest food and funds drive campaigns” in the nation and is a model for other communities. But with the pressures of a very difficult economy, the Foodbank has found that the level of need has greatly increased. They need our help.
January 3, 2011 •
Akron Children’s Hospital 108th Charity Ball
State and Federal Communications Intern Attends Event Raising Money for Local Hospital
Alexandra Constantinou, who worked as an intern with Jim Sedor on our News You Can Use™ publication, attended the 108th Charity Ball for Akron Children’s Hospital. The event took place on December 28th, with the festivities including the presentation of 35 debutantes. The aim of the ball was to raise $100,000 for the hospital.
Alexandra interned at State and Federal Communications during the summer of 2009 and is currently studying in the Honors College at The Ohio State University.
Here is an Akron Beacon Journal article featuring the event.
Photo of Alexandra Constantinou and her family.
July 19, 2010 •
Our Day at the Corporate Derby
We always wanted to race, and now we got our chance!
Employees of State and Federal Communications took part in The All-American Soap Box Derby and United Way of Summit County Corporate Derby on Friday afternoon.
The five-member pit crew arrived at Derby Downs early in the morning and spent a majority of the day assembling and decorating a classic soapbox derby car. The team, lead by driver Sarah Gray took fourth place.
Here is a video of Sarah in her first trial run:
The event is an opportunity for local companies to participate in the lead-up to the All-American Soap Box Derby, which will be held the weekend of July 24, 2010 and a chance to help Summit County United Way. Other major Summit County businesses participated in the event this year including PNC Bank, Bridgestone, and Summa Healthcare. Bridgestone was the champion of the Corporate Derby this year.
Teams decorated their derby cars with paint, decals and the classic derby tin-can headlights. The double-elimination tournament was an excellent way for participating companies to give back the community, spend time with one another in a less formal setting, and take part in one of the few remaining true slices of Americana.
Sarah Gray shared her thoughts:
Have you ever thought something was a good idea until you were about to do it? Racing a soapbox derby car down a 25-foot hill for the United Way Corporate Derby was one of those ideas for me—it sounded fun until I stood at the top and looked all the way down to the finish line.
When I first arrived at Derby Downs, I was excited about the race… until I saw the monster they call a “hill”. I knew I had to focus on the more urgent matter at hand—turning the pile of wood and wheels provided to us into a well-oiled, State-and-Federalized machine of terror! Together with my four colleagues, we did just that, except the only person feeling the “terror” was me!
I was selected to be the first crash test dummy, that is, take the first test drive down the hill. I asked everyone I saw, whether I knew them or not, if they worked for the Derby or not, and if I should be scared. Suffice it to say, I was the entertainment that morning. I’ve been told even the timekeeper watching the finish line was amused at how frightened I was. As I coasted down the hill, I had two options—steer or push on the brake. There was no “off” button, no reverse.
The cheers from the crowd as I sped down the hill eased my fears. Nearly the entire staff from State and Federal was there to root me on, some bearing signs, still more with cameras at the ready. I glided over the finish line and caught my breath—I made it!
The fear I originally held was gone. I couldn’t wait to get back to the top of the hill and zoom down again. Each time there were more people giving me advice, keep your head down, keep your rear-end back, don’t look up, don’t swerve, and just relax. After six exhilarating rides, I finished fourth place, not bad for an amateur. Not many people can say they have raced a soapbox car down Derby Downs and I would have regretted not following through with race. The memories I gained were well worth it and will last a lifetime.
Here is a picture of Team State and Federal!
Take a look at our pictures on Flickr and our videos from the day on YouTube!
June 30, 2010 •
Pasta, Pasta!
State and Federal Communications, Inc. packs the macaroni at the 2010 United Way Day of Action.
When you think of macaroni, what comes to mind? Macaroni and cheese, comfort food, good times in the kitchen, childhood memories …
After serving at the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank, a team of State and Federal Communications employees will never look at macaroni – or hunger – in quite the same way.
Our team was privileged to serve at the Foodbank as a part of the United Way Day of Action on June 18, 2010. Day of Action serves as a catalyst to advance the common good by joining thousands of corporate volunteers with area non-profit organizations to improve opportunities for education, income, and health in their communities.
Our assignment was to assist the Foodbank by repacking bulk food items into smaller quantities for distribution to clients. We understood the concept, but after a quick tour of the Foodbank’s amazing facility, we were surprised to see 3 huge tubs (imagine the size of a small above ground pool) each filled with 800 pounds of macaroni. Forget the club store’s definition of bulk – when the Foodbank says bulk – they mean BULK.
Throughout the day, fourteen of us worked to repack almost 6,000 pounds of macaroni into smaller containers for distribution to non-profit organizations, and from them, to the people in our community needing food. By the end of the day, we worked through over 7 tubs, packed over 2,400 individual containers of pasta, and had a blast working with each other to serve our community.
All around it was a win-win situation. The Foodbank benefited from our service to move the macaroni along, and with the help of many other volunteers, set a new record for the amount of food repacked in a week – 76,825 pounds! Our company benefited from the team building fostered by volunteering together and the understanding gained about what can be – and what is being – done to feed people and fight hunger in our community.
As we finished our work, I thought of all those little pieces of macaroni, each one individually so small, and almost, insignificant. However, there is nothing insignificant or small about thousands of pounds of macaroni able to nourish individuals and families in need. And how do you get thousands of pieces of pasta – one by one. When you think your contribution is too small to make a difference, think again. If you contribute, and I contribute, and we all contribute, our impact grows exponentially and our communities, our nation, and our world are nourished.
Now, where’s that blue box? I think I need some mac and cheese, please.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.