runoff elections Archives - State and Federal Communications

September 13, 2021  •  

Wyoming Running Closer to Runoff Elections

Wyoming lawmakers have advanced a proposal to switch the state’s elections to a runoff system, after rejecting a similar proposal three months ago. Runoff election systems are favored in states in which a political party holds a strong majority. Wyoming, […]

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Republican incumbent Sen. David Perdue failed to secure a majority in his reelection bid, which means now both of Georgia’s U.S. Senate races will be decided by runoff elections on January 5, 2021. Perdue will face Democratic challenger Jon Ossof […]

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Voters in Oklahoma City approved a proposition relating to mayoral and city council elections. Proposition 1 amends the city charter by changing the names of “primary” and “general” elections to “general” and “runoff” elections. Additionally, the proposition sets the regular […]

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Citing concern for the health and well-being of the citizens, Secretary of State John Merrill is urging the state’s March 31 runoff elections be postponed. In a statement over the weekend, Merrill requested an emergency opinion on whether the Governor’s […]

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January 23, 2014  •  

Georgia Governor Signs Election Bill

Gov. Nathan Deal has signed into law a bill moving the state primary to May 20, 2014. House Bill 310 was passed to comply with a federal court order requiring at least 45 days between primary and general elections and […]

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