New York Archives - Page 6 of 18 - State and Federal Communications

The New York Campaign Finance Reform Commission released their report containing recommendations regarding the creation of a public campaign finance system and reforms to the state election laws. The commission proposes to create a voluntary public campaign finance system for […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) sent out a statement clarifying an earlier email reminder regarding lobbyist bimonthly filings due this week. The previous email reminder was sent out to JCOPE’s distribution list containing clients, lobbyists, and other entities […]

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On Election Day, voters approved Ballot Question 3, Ethics and Governance. The proposal amends the city charter by extending the post-employment appearance ban for elected officials and senior appointed officials. Additionally, the proposal limits political activity and donations by members […]

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On October 1, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled state laws enacted in 2016 requiring disclosure of donors to tax exempt organizations to be invalid. In Citizens Union of the City of New York, […]

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New York Capitol Building

The Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) launched new search function capabilities from its lobbying application. JCOPE website users can now choose “Lobbying Focus” to search for recorded lobbying on specific bills, resolutions, and regulations at both the state and […]

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On July 24, The New York City Charter Revision Commission released a final draft report on proposed amendments to the city charter. The commission proposed Ballot Question 3 relating to ethics and governance including extending the post-employment appearance ban for […]

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The New York State Joint Commission of Public Ethics announced an extension for the submission of bimonthly reports for the May to June reporting period until July 31. JCOPE extended the deadline due to ongoing technical difficulties with the online […]

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New York Capitol Building

On July 11, the New York Joint Commission on Public Ethics launched the ability to file client semi-annual reports and source of funding information through the online Lobbying Application for the 2019-2020 reporting period. JCOPE has granted an extension to […]

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June 24, 2019  •  

New York Legislature Adjourns Session

New York Capitol Building

The New York State Legislature adjourned on June 21. During the legislative session lawmakers passed a bill closing a limited liability company loophole regarding contribution limits. The bill limits annual political spending by an LLC to $5,000, the same limit […]

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The New York Joint Commission on Public Ethics will be enabling the ability to file client semiannual reports and source funding disclosures through the online Lobbying Application on July 8. Due to the short time frame of enabling the ability […]

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Flag of Nassau County, NY

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran introduced a new vendor code of ethics and vendor portal for doing business with the county. The code of ethics addresses issues with gifts or contingent fees; employment negotiation restrictions during and after procurements; conflicts […]

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The New York City Campaign Finance Board will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Campaign Finance Program. Amendments address disclosure, contributions, expenditures, public fund payments, and disclosure of independent expenditures. Proposed rules amend and clarify the following […]

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January 29, 2019  •  

New York Enacts Election Reform

Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed three bills relating to elections and campaign finance on January 24. Assembly Bill 776 requires limited liability companies making expenditures for a political purpose to file with the State Board of Elections the identity of all […]

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo has proposed several campaign finance and ethics changes in his executive budget. These recommendations include creating a code of conduct for lobbyists and campaign finance reform. The lobbyist’s code of conduct would include lowering the registration threshold, […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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