New Jersey Archives - Page 5 of 7 - State and Federal Communications

Board of Education Candidates

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Additional Issues to be Discussed

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Reporting Changes

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June 12, 2012  •  

FEC Allows Text Message Contributions

Plus FEC sues former Sen. Craig and more campaign finance and government ethics news

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N.J.S.A. §19:44A-20.14

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Senator Kean

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Calls for Reform

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March 28, 2012  •  

Government Ethics News

Name calling in New Jersey, more news about Illinois Rep. Derrick Smith, and the Public Affairs Research Council gives advice to Louisiana in today’s news:

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March 21, 2012  •  

Government Tech and Social Media News

A new Facebook app for tracking legislation, government social media skeptics, and California gets a new Director of the Office of Technology Services:

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March 7, 2012  •  

Lobbying Spending in the News

Spending on lobbying is up in California, Michigan, and New Jersey according to these articles:

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February 8, 2012  •  

NJ ELEC Has the Power

Appellate Court Affirms New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission’s Authority

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Will Follow State’s Laws

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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