Missouri Archives - Page 6 of 13 - State and Federal Communications

February 26, 2018  •  

Missouri Governor Indicted

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens was indicted Thursday on a felony invasion of privacy charge related to the cover-up of an extramarital affair. Although he admits to having the affair, Greitens denies any criminal action and plans to remain in office. […]

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The Missouri Senate made changes to the lobbyist gift ban passed by the House last month. The bill must pass the Senate before returning to the House for debate. The original version banned most gifts from lobbyists, while the Senate’s […]

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The Missouri House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to pass restrictions on lobbyist gifts on Wednesday, January 17, 2018. The proposal would ban lobbyist expenditures on individuals, with the exception of customary gifts such as flowers and other plants, and events […]

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November 8, 2017  •  

Missouri Local Ballot Measures Pass

Voters in Kansas City approved a ballot measure on a $1 billion airport project to build a new privately financed airport in the city. The fate of the current 45-year-old airport has been a question for years as the city […]

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Voters in Kansas City approved a ballot measure on a $1 billion airport project to build a new privately financed airport in the city. The fate of the current 45-year-old airport has been a question for years as the city […]

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Gov. Eric Greitens recently issued writs of election for House Districts 97, 129, and 144. State Rep. John McCaherty resigned unexpectedly last month from District 97 to focus on running for Jefferson county executive. Sandy Crawford’s District 129 seat was […]

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The Missouri Ethics Commission recently issued an advisory opinion clarifying campaign finance rules for corporations seeking to contribute to PACs. Currently, a corporation may not contribute its own funds to its connected PAC, but it may contribute direct corporate funds […]

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Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens has called a special legislative session to consider new abortion regulations. The extraordinary session is slated to begin Monday, June 12, just one week after the Legislature adjourned its first extraordinary session. Lawmakers will consider stricter […]

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The Missouri Ethics Commission recently issued a campaign finance advisory opinion differentiating between political parties and political party committees for the application and enforcement of voter approved contribution limits. The $25,000 aggregate limit on contributions to a political party does […]

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Missouri lawmakers will return to work today as the General Assembly convenes a special legislative session. Following the May 12 adjournment of the regular session, Gov. Eric Greitens hinted a special session was imminent and called for the session just […]

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Parts of a campaign finance law approved by Missouri voters in November have been ruled unconstitutional. U.S. District Court Senior Judge Ortrie Smith issued a ruling Friday finding corporations and labor organizations must be permitted to make contributions to campaign […]

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Missouri House Democrats have introduced a bill to require future governors to publicly disclose donations for gubernatorial inauguration activities. Lawmakers hope to eliminate the appearance of corruption by allowing Missourians to see how much money corporations and lobbyists donate to […]

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The Missouri Ethics Commission recently released a series of advisory opinions related to Constitutional Amendment 2. The amendment, passed by the voters in the November election, amended state campaign finance laws. The new advisory opinions address issues not fully articulated […]

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Special elections have been scheduled for Missouri House District 50 and Senate District 28. Both elections are scheduled for August 8, 2017. The House seat was left vacant when Rep. Caleb Jones stepped down to take a position in Gov. […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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