January 3, 2025 •
Maine Attorney General Delays Enforcement of New Contribution Limits

Flag of Maine
Attorney General Aaron Fey agreed to delay the enforcement of new contribution limits related to independent expenditures until May 30 while they are being challenged in court for constitutionality. Ballot Question 1, approved in last year’s November election, restricts contributions […]
Attorney General Aaron Fey agreed to delay the enforcement of new contribution limits related to independent expenditures until May 30 while they are being challenged in court for constitutionality.
Ballot Question 1, approved in last year’s November election, restricts contributions to political action committees for the purpose of making independent expenditures to $5,000 per year.
These contributions were unrestricted before the passage of the ballot question.
December 16, 2024 •
Maine Lobbyist Harassment Trainings Scheduled

Flag of Maine
The Maine Ethics Commission has scheduled the 2025 harassment trainings for lobbyists. The training is mandatory for lobbyists and lobbyist associates and must be completed annually. Virtual trainings will be held on December 18, December 19, January 7, and January […]
The Maine Ethics Commission has scheduled the 2025 harassment trainings for lobbyists.
The training is mandatory for lobbyists and lobbyist associates and must be completed annually.
Virtual trainings will be held on December 18, December 19, January 7, and January 9.
Registration is available through the Maine Ethics Commission website.
November 6, 2024 •
Maine Voters Approve Contribution Limits for Independent Expenditure PACs

Flag of Maine
Voters approved Question 1 with an overwhelming majority of the vote. The ballot question sets an aggregate $5,000 limit for individuals, business entities, and PACs contributing to PACs making independent expenditures. Beginning December 1, contribution limits will be adjusted every […]
Voters approved Question 1 with an overwhelming majority of the vote.
The ballot question sets an aggregate $5,000 limit for individuals, business entities, and PACs contributing to PACs making independent expenditures.
Beginning December 1, contribution limits will be adjusted every two years based on the consumer price index.
April 22, 2024 •
Maine Legislature Adjourns Until Veto Session
The second regular session of the 131st Legislature statutorily adjourned on April 17. The Legislature reconvenes May 10 for a veto session before adjourning sine die. The general effective date for nonemergency laws passed is August 9. This does affect […]
The second regular session of the 131st Legislature statutorily adjourned on April 17.
The Legislature reconvenes May 10 for a veto session before adjourning sine die.
The general effective date for nonemergency laws passed is August 9.
This does affect lobbying reporting.
A registered lobbyist who anticipates no further lobbying for a client may file a request for a non-session waiver with their final monthly report for the session.
September 1, 2023 •
Maine Ethics Commission Updates Guides with 2023 Changes
The Commission on Governmental Ethics and Elections Practices published legislative summaries and updated guides to reflect legislation passed in 2023. Effective October 25, the window to register as a lobbyist is decreased from 15 to 10 calendar days following triggering […]
The Commission on Governmental Ethics and Elections Practices published legislative summaries and updated guides to reflect legislation passed in 2023.
Effective October 25, the window to register as a lobbyist is decreased from 15 to 10 calendar days following triggering activities.
Penalties for lobbyist reporting violations will increase by $50 for each successive violation during a lobbying year.
Effective June 22, the ban on direct corporate contributions was reversed and now limited to $1,950 in any election for a gubernatorial candidate; $475 for a legislative candidate; $575 for a candidate for municipal office; and $975 in any election for any other candidate.
July 27, 2023 •
Maine Veto Session Ends
The veto session ended on July 25 with Gov. Janet Mills giving her comments on a sustained veto of a bill seeking to prohibit campaign spending by entities influenced by foreign governments. According to Mills, the bill poorly defined what is foreign […]
The veto session ended on July 25 with Gov. Janet Mills giving her comments on a sustained veto of a bill seeking to prohibit campaign spending by entities influenced by foreign governments.
According to Mills, the bill poorly defined what is foreign government influence and would have the unintended consequence of effectively silencing legitimate voices, including Maine based businesses, in debates that would impact their interests.
Mills hopes to find a way to prevent foreign influence in elections by enacting a more narrowly tailored and easily understood statute. The issue has another chance to pass as a ballot measure in November.
July 10, 2023 •
Maine Legislature Adjourns Sine Die
Lawmakers in the Democratic-controlled House and Senate completed their final session for the year and adjourned sine die on March 30. Bills related to campaign finance and lobbying reports were passed and signed by the governor. Senate Bill 255 requires […]
Lawmakers in the Democratic-controlled House and Senate completed their final session for the year and adjourned sine die on March 30.
Bills related to campaign finance and lobbying reports were passed and signed by the governor.
Senate Bill 255 requires campaign finance reports to be filed 42 days before any election instead of just general elections.
Senate Bill 1630 increases penalties for repeated late filings of lobbyist reports by $50 for each successive violation.
Both bills are effective 90 days after the adjournment.
March 21, 2023 •
Special Election Scheduled in Maine
A special election has been scheduled for June 13 to fill a vacant state representative seat in Maine House District 45. The seat became vacant when Rep. Clinton Collamore resigned last month after being indicted on charges related to violations […]
A special election has been scheduled for June 13 to fill a vacant state representative seat in Maine House District 45.
The seat became vacant when Rep. Clinton Collamore resigned last month after being indicted on charges related to violations of the state’s Clean Election Act.
The winner of the special election will serve the remainder of the term set to expire at the end of 2024.
February 20, 2023 •
Maine Contribution Limits Increased
Maine’s Commission on Governmental Ethics and Elections Practices raised contribution limits. Individuals and PACs may now contribute up to $1,950 per election to gubernatorial candidates, up to $475 per election to legislative candidates, and up to $575 per election for […]
Maine’s Commission on Governmental Ethics and Elections Practices raised contribution limits.
Individuals and PACs may now contribute up to $1,950 per election to gubernatorial candidates, up to $475 per election to legislative candidates, and up to $575 per election for municipal candidates.
The next adjustment to contribution limits is expected to occur in January 2025
November 9, 2022 •
Portland, Maine Voters Approve Clean Election Program, Ethics Commission, and Ranked Choice Voting
Voters passed seven of 13 ballot questions including measures to establish a clean elections program, ranked-choice voting, an ethics commission, and a code of ethics. The new campaign finance rules prohibit corporate contributions to candidates for city office and prohibit […]
Voters passed seven of 13 ballot questions including measures to establish a clean elections program, ranked-choice voting, an ethics commission, and a code of ethics.
The new campaign finance rules prohibit corporate contributions to candidates for city office and prohibit ballot question contributions or expenditures from any entity under foreign influence.
The city will use a proportional ranked choice voting method for elections in which more than one person is to be elected to a single office.
City Council will form an independent ethics commission and then adopt a code of ethics as recommended by the commission.
June 13, 2022 •
Portland, Maine City Council Adopts Ethics Code
Portland, Maine City Council adopted an ethics code that will apply to the council members. The ethics code adopts and incorporates by reference several provisions of state law, including the sections on improper influence and improper gifts to public servants […]
Portland, Maine City Council adopted an ethics code that will apply to the council members.
The ethics code adopts and incorporates by reference several provisions of state law, including the sections on improper influence and improper gifts to public servants in 17-A M.R.S.A. §§603, 605.
The code requires city officials to avoid financial conflict of interest and to refuse benefits or gifts of any kind from individuals seeking to influence the council’s decisions.
The code also prohibits council members from accepting free items from persons, firms, or corporations who have a contract with the city.
Councilors will also be prohibited from soliciting political contributions from any prospective city contractors or any individuals or entities who did business with the city in the prior 12 months.
The ethics code will take effect on June 16.
May 10, 2022 •
Maine Legislature Adjourns Sine Die
The second regular session of the 130th Maine Legislature adjourned sine die on May 9. Two campaign finance bills were passed during the session and signed by the governor. Legislative Document 1782, effective January 1, 2023, permits business entities to […]
The second regular session of the 130th Maine Legislature adjourned sine die on May 9.
Two campaign finance bills were passed during the session and signed by the governor.
Legislative Document 1782, effective January 1, 2023, permits business entities to contribute the paid staff time of its employees to the entity’s separate segregated fund committee.
Legislative Document 1754 amends the state’s major contributor disclosure law and will take effect on August 8.
This does affect lobbyist reporting.
A registered lobbyist who anticipates no further lobbying for a client may file a request for a non-session waiver with their final monthly report for the session due June 15.
April 18, 2022 •
Maine Legislature Passes Campaign Finance Amendments
Maine Gov. Mills signed Legislative Document 1782 amending the state’s campaign finance law. Beginning December 1, 2023, the amount individuals can contribute to separate segregated fund committees will be adjusted every two years based on the Consumer Price Index. The […]
Maine Gov. Mills signed Legislative Document 1782 amending the state’s campaign finance law.
Beginning December 1, 2023, the amount individuals can contribute to separate segregated fund committees will be adjusted every two years based on the Consumer Price Index.
The new law also permits corporations, membership organizations, cooperative or labor organizations to contribute the paid staff time of its employees and independent contractors to establish the entity’s separate segregated fund committee and to provide fundraising and administrative services to the committee.
A business entity will also be permitted to provide its separate segregated fund committee with the use of offices, telephones, computers, and other equipment, even if doing so results in an additional cost to the business entity.
Legislative Document 1782 will take effect on January 1, 2023.
April 14, 2022 •
Maine Lawmakers Revise Major Contributor Disclosure Law
Maine Gov. Mills signed Legislative Document 1754 amending the state’s major contributor disclosure law. The amendments exclude committees from the definition of major contributor and exclude certain funds from disclosure requirements. Major contributors will no longer need to disclose funds […]
Maine Gov. Mills signed Legislative Document 1754 amending the state’s major contributor disclosure law.
The amendments exclude committees from the definition of major contributor and exclude certain funds from disclosure requirements.
Major contributors will no longer need to disclose funds restricted to non-campaign uses; derived from the major contributor’s regular trade, business, or investment income; and provided by a source that contributed no more than $5,000 to the major contributor during the relevant reporting period.
The law also clarifies the penalties associated with noncompliance and provides a mechanism to request a waiver of the penalties.
Legislative Document 1754 will take effect 90 days after the adjournment of the current legislative session.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.