lobbying Archives - Page 146 of 273 - State and Federal Communications

Campaign Finance Alabama: “Gov. Robert Bentley Used Campaign Funds to Pay Rebekah Mason’s Lawyer” by Mike Cason for AL.com Mississippi: “Campaign Finance Reports Go Digital” by Zachary Oren Smith for The Daily Journal Ethics “Trump May Be Skirting Transparency Law […]

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Lawmakers are currently considering a bill to strengthen the state’s ethics laws. Senate Bill 8 would, among other things, prohibit legislators and executive officers from becoming a lobbyist for one year after leaving office; create an ethics commission to, in […]

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The Tampa Ethics Office launched an online system for lobbyists to log meetings with city officials. The system replaces the paper lobbyist disclosure form. Just like in the past, a log entry must be submitted within three days of a […]

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On Friday, February 3, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) published its price index adjustments for expenditure limitations and the federal lobbyist bundling disclosure threshold. The lobbyist bundling disclosure threshold has increased for 2017 from $17,600 to $17,900. This threshold amount […]

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Campaign Finance “Trump Vows to ‘Totally Destroy’ Restrictions on Churches’ Support of Candidates” by John Wagner and Julie Zauzmer for The Washington Post “State Democrats Say Federal Campaign Finance Probe Has Ended” by Susan Haigh (Associated Press) for The Washington […]

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A bill was filed this week seeking to eliminate the Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices and split the duties between the attorney general and the secretary of state. Under House Bill 340, the secretary of state would be […]

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Reviving his concern from last year’s legislative session, Sen. Ernie Chambers introduced a bill to prevent lawmakers from accepting meals from lobbyists in the Capitol. Legislative Bill 445 is similar to a proposal Sen. Chambers sponsored last year, but it […]

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See what’s happening in government relations this week in our News You Can Use Video Digest. Enjoy!  

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February 3, 2017  •  

News You Can Use Digest – February 3, 2017

National: Fatigued by the News? Experts Suggest How to Adjust Your Media Diet New York Times – Christopher Mele | Published: 2/1/2017 Some say it feels as if we are living inside a blizzard of news, with information constantly bombarding us. […]

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The South Dakota Senate voted 27-8 to approve House Bill 1069, advancing the bill to repeal Initiated Measure 22 to Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s desk. Initiated Measure 22 is the voter approved ethics and campaign finance overhaul that established various lobbying […]

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Lobbying Arizona: “How The Wrong Letterhead Exposed Phoenix’s Toothless Lobbying Rules” by Rob O’Dell and Dustin Gardner for Arizona Republic Arkansas: “Bill Would Let Foreigners Foot Bill for Some Lawmaker Travel” by Michael Wickline for Arkansas Online Campaign Finance South […]

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House Bill 91 was introduced yesterday to require Alaska’s legislative lobbyists to pay a 2.5 percent tax on income earned from lobbying activities. As introduced, the proceeds from the tax would be appropriated to the Alaska Public Offices Commission, which […]

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February 1, 2017  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News Roundup

Lobbying “Is It Time for a Lobbyist Union? Juneau Representative Proposes 2.5 Percent Industry Tax” by Nathaniel Herz for Alaska Dispatch News “Richard Corcoran: Rick Scott’s ethics proposals not personal” by Jim Rusica for Florida Politics “Senate Committee Compares House […]

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Lobbying “Trump’s Trade Pick May Face Hurdle Over Past Lobbying for Brazil” by Bill Allison for Bloomberg.com “Trump Ethics Rules Curtail Lobbyists, While Also Loosening Some Obama Restrictions” by Matea Gold for Washington Post Tennessee: “In Tennessee, Lobbyists’ Employers Face […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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