legislative session Archives - Page 20 of 34 - State and Federal Communications

September 15, 2016  •  

West Virginia Special Session Likely

West Virginia’s Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin plans to call a special legislative session next week to address funding for flood recovery. The session is expected to take place on September 19 and 20 to coincide with previously scheduled legislative interim […]

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The first special session of 2016 adjourned sine die on September 7, 2016. Gov. Robert Bentley’s lottery proposal failed in the Senate. Instead, the Legislature approved House Bill 36 to use part of the BP oil settlement to provide funds […]

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The Tennessee General Assembly convened a special session today, September 12. State lawmakers have been tasked with fixing the state’s drunken driving law to prevent a loss in federal highway funding. The U.S. Department of Transportation will withhold funds if […]

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Missouri Sen. Bob Dixon wants Gov. Jay Nixon to call a special session to close a loophole in the state’s drunk driving law and to ask the Legislature to support a pilot program for the Missouri Public Defender System. If […]

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After negotiations on Thursday broke down, Gov. Mark Dayton announced no special session will take place. Republican leaders would not agree to a special session to fund a light rail project, while Democrats would not agree to holding the session […]

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Gov. Tom Wolf and lawmakers have agreed a special session is necessary to confront the growing problem of prescription drug abuse and illegal opioids. Last year, 3,300 people died in Pennsylvania, and this year the number is expected to grow. […]

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North Dakota lawmakers adjourned a three day special session on Thursday. The session concluded with the Legislature passing a bill to cover the state’s budget shortfall. Photo of the North Dakota State Capitol by MatthewUND on Wikimedia Commons.

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Gov. Robert Bentley has announced a special legislative session will convene August 15, 2016. The primary focus of the session will be a constitutional amendment allowing a statewide lottery. Bentley believes the lottery will solve the state’s financial problems.

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Gov. Bentley will call a special session. The session will focus on a constitutional amendment allowing a statewide lottery. Alabama is one of six states without a lottery, and Bentley believes it will solve the state’s funding problem. The dates […]

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State Sen. John Arthur Smith, chair of the Senate Finance Committee, and Treasurer Tim Eichenberg, have requested Gov. Susana Martinez to call a special session of the Legislature. The oil and gas slowdown has significantly affected the state’s budget, bringing […]

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On July 18, the Alaska Legislature adjourned its fifth special session. The Legislature failed to pass any deficit reduction measures the special session was called to address. Following the unsuccessful eight day session, it is expected that further work towards […]

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Gov. Mark Dayton, Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk, and House Speaker Kurt Daudt have tentatively agreed to call a special legislative session during the third week of August. The governor and lawmakers have met several times since the Legislature adjourned […]

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July 15, 2016  •  

Utah Special Session Adjourns

On July 13, the Utah Legislature adjourned its special session sine die. Lawmakers voted for the state to allocate up to $10 million in funds for a new stadium in the Fairpark area of Salt Lake City. An additional bill […]

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On Monday, July 11, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert issued a call for a special legislative session to be held this Wednesday, July 13. The session was called to consider legislation related the Judicial Nomination Commission, the Justice Reinvestment Initiative, the […]

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