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A group of current and past politicians have announced an initiative to strengthen ethics laws in Miami-Dade County. The group, named An Accountable Miami-Dade, is leading the charge to place a measure on the November ballot. The measure would strengthen […]

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The Florida Legislature adjourned its regular session sine die as scheduled on March 11, 2016. The session was a display of bipartisan cooperation, netting an $82 billion budget, and stood in stark contrast to last year where a bitter fight […]

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County commissioners, by a unanimous vote, approved an ordinance requiring lobbyists to register and pay a yearly $50 fee. Under the previous law, lobbyists simply had to sign a registry each time they appeared to lobby. The new law requires […]

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A bill seeking to increase lobbyist disclosure advanced in committee in the Florida state senate. Senate Bill 686, if passed, will require lobbyists to report on a monthly basis the bills and amendments they are attempting to influence. This would […]

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Commissioners, by a count of 5-4, voted to loosen the strict gift limits imposed by the county ethics ordinance. Enacted in 2010, the ordinance created a no-gift rule, prohibiting city and county officials from accepting even a bottle of water […]

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After multiple attempts, and multiple special sessions, the Florida Legislature adjourned the third special session of the year on November 5, 2015 without reaching a redistricting agreement for the state senate. The adjournment came a day earlier than expected after […]

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The Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust gave its support for a proposed City of Miami Beach ordinance amending campaign finance rules. The ordinance, if passed, would prohibit the mayor and city commissioners, as well as candidates for those […]

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County commissioners unanimously approved a motion by Chairwoman Sandy Murman to increase transparency for those who are paid to lobby the Commission. An Office of Professional Lobbyist Registration will be created within the county attorney’s office and the county attorney […]

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A special session of the legislature adjourned Friday, August 21, 2015, without an agreement on a new congressional district map. Florida’s supreme court ruled the current map unconstitutional, forcing lawmakers to return to Tallahassee earlier this month. The failure to […]

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A third special session of the year has been called in Florida so lawmakers can redraw potentially unconstitutional Senate district lines. The session will take place from October 19 to November 6, 2015. The Florida Supreme Court has already ruled […]

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A special session of the Legislature will be held next month for lawmakers to approve a new congressional district map. The state’s supreme court recently invalidated the current map and created a 100-day deadline to complete changes. The special session […]

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The Florida Legislature adjourned its three-week-long special session Friday, June 19, 2015 after reaching an agreement on the state’s budget. Lawmakers returned June 1 after failing to pass a budget during the regular session due to a disagreement over Medicaid […]

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The Miami-Dade Clerk of the Courts has announced a new online lobbyist registration system will launch on June 1, 2015. Current lobbyist information will be transferred to the new system and lobbyists will receive temporary log in information via email […]

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The Florida Legislature will return for a special session from June 1 to June 20, 2015. Among the topics on the agenda is the state budget, a major point of contention between the two chambers. The House recently adjourned the […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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