David Ige Archives - State and Federal Communications

The 31st session of the Hawaii Legislature will adjourn sine die on April 29 after 55 days in session. During the legislative session, lawmakers introduced several bills related to campaign finance and lobbying laws. Senate Bill 0166, related to campaign […]

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Hawaii Capitol Building

Leaders in the state Senate and House of Representatives announced on July 5 that lawmakers will not attempt to override any vetoes issued by Gov. David Ige. House Speaker Scott Sakiki said the Legislature would not convene an override session […]

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Hawaii Gov. David Ige

Gov. David Ige signed a lobbying bill into law on June 25. The bill removes statutory remnants from when lobbying violations resulted in criminal penalties. Senate Bill 144 replaces “willfully” with “negligently” in the requirements of proof that a violation […]

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Gov. David Ige signed House Bill 165 on April 16, adding a new registration and reporting requirement for noncandidate committees in an election period. Under the bill, a noncandidate committee that does not intend to receive contributions or make expenditures […]

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On Thursday, June 22, Gov. David Ige signed three bills amending state lobbying and ethics laws. Among other things, the bills double the maximum administrative fine the State Ethics Commission may impose for violations of ethics or lobbying laws, amends […]

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Hawaii legislators convened a special session Tuesday after Gov. David Ige vetoed a bill intended to assist state employees who will be affected when three Maui county hospitals are taken over by Kaiser Permanente on October 1. The state must […]

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Hawaii’s Governor-Elect, David Ige, is scheduled to be inaugurated on December 1, 2014. There are several things to keep in mind if you are considering involvement in inaugural events. In Hawaii neither lobbyists nor non-lobbyists are permitted to provide event […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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