Congress Archives - State and Federal Communications

Legislation affecting lobbying was introduced this week in both the Senate and House. Senate Bill 2896 would require lobbyists to disclose any conviction for bribery, extortion, embezzlement, illegal kickbacks, tax evasion, fraud, conflicts of interest, making false statements, perjury, or […]

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The FEC voted unanimously 4-0 to allow New York Congressional candidate Liuba Grechen Shirley to spend her campaign funds on childcare. In her petition, she cited two cases where male candidates requested to use donor funds for limited childcare expenses. […]

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Members of Congress could be banned from being lobbyists for life if legislation introduced this month becomes law. Senate Bill 1189, Close the Revolving Door Act of 2017, places a lifetime ban on current members of Congress from becoming lobbyists. […]

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Despite strong support from democrats, Washington voters did not back Initiative 1464. The measure would have required new campaign finance disclosures, limited contributions by lobbyists and government contractors, and imposed a three-year waiting period on lobbying by former public officials […]

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On October 17, U.S. presidential candidate Donald J. Trump revealed a five-point ethics reform plan he intends to implement if elected. The proposal calls for a five-year ban on federal lobbying by executive branch officials, members of Congress, and congressional […]

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On March 17, two bills were introduced into the U.S. Congress requiring the disclosure of political intelligence activities. House Resolution 4809, The Political Intelligence Transparency Act, was introduced by Rep. Louise McIntosh Slaughter and Rep. John J. Duncan. This bill […]

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Among the riders in the federal 2016 Omnibus Appropriations bill passed into law on December 18, 2015, were two provisions affecting campaign finance. Congress explicitly prohibited the Internal Revenue Service from making new rules concerning the political speech or activity […]

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Changes to the federal campaign finance laws may be included in the looming appropriations bill Congress considers this month. The Senate version of the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2016, Senate Bill 1910, contains language altering the law […]

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November 30, 2015  •  

Monday News Roundup

Lobbying “Penalty against lobbying firm sends message to an industry unfamiliar with prosecution” by Marcus Howard in the Los Angeles Times New York: “Corruption trial: Adam Skelos laid out lobbyists’ views of upstate, downstate” by Chris Bragg in the Albany […]

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On June 2, U.S. Sen. Michael Bennett introduced Senate Bill 1480, The Lobbying and Campaign Finance Reform Act. According to Bennett’s press release, SB 1480 prohibits solicitations of campaign contributions from lobbyists when Congress is in session, eliminates lobbyist bundling […]

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A bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives this week would permanently close the revolving door allowing members of Congress to become lobbyists once they leave office. House Resolution 1740 removes the cooling off periods currently in the statutes. […]

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March 18, 2015  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying Connecticut: “State Lobbyists, Politicians Caught In Probe of Herbalife Billion Dollar Stock Gamble” by Edmund Mahony (Hartford Courant) for New Mexico: “House Democrat Questions Lobbyist Bill Delay, Seeks Probe” by Steve Terrell (Santa Fe New Mexican) for Taos […]

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With the Senate passing the House’s omnibus bill, the limits for political contributions to federal political parties will increase when President Barack Obama signs the bill. Included as a rider with House Resolution 83 is an amendment to the Federal […]

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Lobbying “New king of K Street” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill. “Business Bottom Line” in The Hill. “How to Disclose Your Lobbying While Keeping the Public In the Dark” by Ben Geman in National Journal. Texas: “Activist fined […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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