Columbus Archives - State and Federal Communications

November 9, 2022  •  

Columbus, Ohio Passes Charter Amendment

Columbus, Ohio Voters passed Issue 19. Issue 19 is a charter amendment increasing the time that a petition committee has to gather signatures from one year to two years. The Amendment also adds a 10-day curing period if the initial […]

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Mike Carey, a coal lobbyist backed by former President Donald Trump, won the Republican primary to succeed former Rep. Steve Stivers over 10 other candidates for the Ohio Congressional District 15 seat. Carey will face Democratic state Rep. Allison Russo, […]

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Mayor Andrew Ginther and the City Council announced plans to limit contributions to municipal elections for the first time in city history. The proposal seeks to limit annual contributions to municipal candidates by following state contribution amounts of $12,707.79. The […]

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Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther signed emergency legislation yesterday creating a City Council Ethics Policy. The ethics policy aligns with state ethics law as well as with an executive order signed by Ginther in May 2016. Ginther’s executive order was immediately […]

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Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther signed Executive Order 2016-01 on Tuesday, May 10, establishing ethics guidelines for public officials. Effective immediately, public officials and employees may not solicit or accept gifts or employment from anyone doing business with the city. They […]

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The Columbus City Council passed three new pieces of ethics legislation on Monday, March 28, strengthening financial disclosure provisions and amending city campaign finance and lobbying laws. Ord. 0084-2016 requires lobbyists to file updated registration statements in January, May, and […]

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Columbus City Council President Zach Klein will hold a public hearing on proposed ethics legislation on Wednesday, February 17, 2016. The proposed changes enhance transparency and accountability for lobbyists, strengthen ethics disclosure laws, and amend campaign finance reporting requirements. Public […]

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Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther has proposed three new ordinances providing for an increase in lobbying oversight and gift disclosure, additional campaign finance disclosure, and the hiring of an inspector general. Columbus City Council is expected to hold a public hearing […]

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Columbus mayoral candidate Andrew Ginther recently proposed a plan for new ethics rules for lobbyists and elected officials. His plan would amend the definition of lobbyist and expand lobbyist reporting requirements. Elected officials would be required to report all gifts […]

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Elizabeth Brown, daughter of Sen. Sherrod Brown, will replace Michelle Mills on the November ballot in the race for Columbus City Council. Mills recently announced her resignation from council effective September 4, 2015. Though no reason was given for her […]

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December 19, 2012  •  

Thank You, COGEL!

See you next year in Quebec City!

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November 30, 2012  •  

We’re Going to COGEL!

December 2-5, 2012

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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