campaign contributions Archives - Page 10 of 12 - State and Federal Communications

Lucie Fiset, the chief electoral officer of Quebec, plans to set up a searchable online registry for accused violators of the province’s election laws. The database is slated to be operational by March 2015. This initiative is part of Fiset’s […]

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For the first time, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has charged a firm with violations of its pay-to-play rules. On June 20, the SEC charged TL Ventures Inc., a private equity firm, with receiving advisory fees from the […]

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June 19, 2014  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying “Under Contract” in The Hill. “MPAA’s Michael O’Leary steps down – Big 12 hires a lobbying firm” by Byron Tau in Politico. Missouri: “Lobbyists’ gifts to Missouri lawmakers exceed $500,000” by Angela Mueller in the St. Louis Business Journal. […]

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The Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices will no longer enforce the yearly aggregate contribution limit applicable to individuals and entities contained in Maine Revised Statutes section 1015(3). In a policy statement issued June 4, 2014, the commission […]

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The Government Accountability Board (GAB) is seeking comment on new guidelines for lobbyist campaign contributions. Following changes to campaign fundraising rules pursuant to 2013 Wisconsin Act 153, GAB concluded a lobbyist may deliver or convey a campaign contribution on behalf […]

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The Government Accountability Board (GAB) has concluded a recently signed law allowing lobbyists to personally give campaign contributions a couple of months earlier also prohibits them from providing such contributions on behalf of clients at any time. Whether by design […]

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Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed Senate Bill 2120 into law April 25. Immediately effective upon executive approval, the legislation corrects a mistaken reference to a section of the Hawaii Revised Code meant to exempt contributions from a candidate’s immediate family […]

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The Senate passed a bill to widen the ability of lobbyists to provide campaign contributions. Senate Bill 655 allows a lobbyist to deliver or personally make political contributions as early as April 15 of a general election year. Currently, lobbyists […]

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The Oklahoma Ethics Commission recently passed a series of rule changes pertaining to political contribution limits. Under the new rules, the dollar restrictions on contributions to state candidates would change from family limits to individual limits. Each person would be […]

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The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the lower court was right in issuing a preliminary injunction to keep the state from imposing limitations on certain contributions going to and from political parties and political action committees. The underlying […]

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Electronic filing expanded

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October 16, 2013  •  

New AZ Contribution Limits Blocked

Constitutionality Challenged

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October 7, 2013  •  

Monday News Roundup

Let’s start off the week with these lobbying, campaign finance, and ethics news articles:

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Laws were found to be unenforceable

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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