amendment Archives - State and Federal Communications

Cincinnati Skyline - by Mr. RNGAndreson

Cincinnati City Councilwoman Betsy Sundermann proposed a charter amendment to the city charter. The amendment would allow the city to suspend a council member upon the filing of an indictment or certain criminal charges, and to remove them if convicted. […]

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North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger confirmed a third measure to be on the November ballot. Measure 3, a constitutional amendment put forth by Fargo-based North Dakota Voters First, makes several changes to election procedures. This amendment creates paper […]

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Today Ontario’s Office of the Integrity Commissioner will begin enforcing a new lobbying law for the province. On December 9, 2014, the Legislative Assembly had passed an omnibus bill with changes to the province’s Lobbyists Registration Act, 1998. The law […]

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A bipartisan majority of lawmakers is calling for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution overturning the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. In the Citizens United decision, the Court ruled corporations and unions should be […]

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The San Diego Ethics Commission released a draft of proposed amendments to San Diego’s Election Campaign Control Ordinance. The proposed changes would extend the one-year pre-election fundraising time period to January 1 of odd-numbered years and eliminate the third pre-election […]

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In an effort to repair and modernize Minnesota’s campaign finance system, House Democrats have announced their intention to introduce a state constitutional amendment requiring disclosure of all election-related spending. The bill would require disclosure for contributions and expenditures made for […]

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The Ethics Commission has prepared draft amendments to the Election Campaign Control Ordinance (ECCO). The proposed ECCO amendments include a provision to classify a committee’s otherwise independent payment as a “contribution” if the payment is for an advertisement duplicating materials […]

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Bill would ban corporate contributions and lobbyist gifts

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The Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) discusses its Pay-to-Play priority recommendation to the state legislature in its July, 2010 newsletter which is now available on-line.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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