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Steps down after staff accusations.

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January 19, 2012  •  

SuperPAC Spending and Disclosure in the News

Here is a chart revealing television ad spending in South Carolina by candidates versus spending by super Pacs, legislation in Arizona that would require disclosure of corporate spending on campaigns, and a run-down of super PAC disclosure in California:

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However you may feel about SOPA and PIPA, one thing became clear in the last day or so – something new has happened in the realm of lobbying. Here are three articles that take a look at the implications of the internet blackout from a government relations perspective:

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January 19, 2012  •  

We’ll See You at PAC Grassroots!

State and Federal Communications will be attending the Public Affairs Council’s National Grassroots Conference in Miami Beach, Florida from January 30 until February 2, 2012. This year is the 35th anniversary and the theme of the conference is “Building Allies, Producing Champions.” We hope to see you there!

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ELEC Authority

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January 18, 2012  •  

Nevada Now Has Online Campaign Finance Database

Secretary of State says new searchable system will “bring a whole level of transparency” to those seeking campaign finance data.

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Voters to Consider Whether Restrictions on Non-Government Side Jobs Will Continue

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School Sporting Events Exception

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Initiative Could Appear on November Ballot

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Bill Merges Legislative and Executive Ethics Commissions into the Public Disclosure Commission

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Whether claiming this to be the “year of Facebook” or the “year of Twitter” for political campaigns, news items are covering how political campaigns are using social media to advertise in new ways. Here are a few pieces that appeared today:

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NBC takes a look at the issue tonight.

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Legislation would expand loophole in lobbying restrictions

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January 16, 2012  •  

News You Can Use Digest – January 16, 2012

State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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