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December 5, 2013  •  

Virginia Special Election Updates

One Virginia special election has been scheduled and another may be on the horizon. Governor Bob McDonnell set the special election to replace Del. Onzlee Ware in House District 11 for January 7. Another election could follow soon after to […]

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Carol Carson is the executive director of the Connecticut Office of Government Accountability. In September she provided her Top 10 Tips at the Practising Law Institute’s Campaign Finance and Lobbying program in Washington, DC. 10.   Register. Register. Register. 9.     In Connecticut, you […]

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December 3, 2013  •  

MA 2014 Primary Date Changed

The 2014 Massachusetts state primary has been moved up a week from September 16 to September 9 due to the passage of House Bill 3764. This bill only changes the 2014 primary date and does not affect future state primary […]

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Legislators are meeting today, Monday, December 2, 2013, for a special session to consider a package of tax breaks designed to give Boeing a reason to bring thousands of jobs to the state. Gov. Jay Nixon called the special session […]

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A special primary election is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3 to fill the vacancy in House District 31. There are four Republicans and no Democrats on the ballot.

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The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals expedited a key ballot access case on November 27. The case, Hall v. Secretary of State of Alabama, was brought by independent candidate James Hall, the only minor party candidate who submitted any signatures […]

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The Ohio Ethics Commission issued a new rule clarifying when another party may pay or reimburse a public official or employee for travel expenses. A public official or employee may accept a thing of value if it “is not of […]

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The Ethics Commission has approved a regulation providing a method for candidates and campaign committees to comply with due diligence requirements of the pay-to-play restrictions. Code section 1.126 prohibits a city or county contractor from contributing to a candidate who […]

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A Texas Ethics Commission rule delineating the state’s document retention policy for treasurers of political committees takes effect today. Rule §20.18, which was adopted on October 31, 2013, spells out the records needed to be kept for at least two […]

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Iowa Governor Terry Branstad has called a special election to fill the vacant House District 25 seat. The special election will be held on Tuesday, January 7, 2014. At present, there are two Republican candidates and no Democrats.

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The ethics board in Iowa issued an advisory opinion allowing political candidates in the state to use campaign funds to attend a presidential inauguration. The board’s reasoning for its decision centered around the value to a candidate’s campaign of attending […]

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The Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board is developing new auditing procedures for political committees receiving donations from entities. This action was likely prompted by the recent controversy over the funding of prominent PAC Iowans for Tax Relief, which was […]

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Gov. Scott Walker has called a special session of the Legislature to address the implications of the troubled federal launch of the Affordable Care Act. The special session will begin on December 2, 2014. Walker hopes lawmakers will agree to […]

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The New Hampshire Legislature adjourned its special session on November 21, 2013. Gov. Maggie Hassan had called for the extra legislative session to consider the Medicaid Expansion Study Commission’s report recommending the state accept $2.5 billion in federal funds to […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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