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By a vote of 6-1, the Bergen County Board of Freeholders introduced a resolution to reverse last year’s pay-to-play ordinance. The resolution would lower the allowed campaign contribution from no-bid contractors from $5,200 to $2,000. County Executive Kathleen Donovan vetoed […]

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Ten Missouri residents filed suit in early January asking a judge to compel Gov. Jay Nixon to call special elections to fill vacant legislative seats. The governor is granted constitutional authority to do so and is required to issue a […]

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Missouri legislators made ethics a top priority at the start of their legislative session. The Legislature convened on January 8 and members filed at least 10 bills addressing issues such as lobbyist registration, gifts to public officials, campaign contribution limits, […]

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Lawmakers passed a new 2014 election schedule, moving this year’s primaries from July 15 to May 20. The change will comply with a federal court order requiring at least 45 days between primary and general elections and subsequent runoffs to […]

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Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh introduced a bill in the Senate of Alabama on Tuesday that would impose stricter revolving door prohibitions on legislators. Senate Bill 36 redefines “legislative body” as “Legislature of Alabama”, which eliminates the current loophole […]

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On January 19, 2014, the city’s Wage Theft Ordinance takes effect. The ordinance prohibits contracts with the city for vendors convicted of wage theft, assessed an administrative penalty involving wage theft, or adjudicated in a civil action of engaging in […]

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With the appointment of Mel Watt to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the 12th Congressional District seat in North Carolina is vacant. Governor Pat McCrory announced that he will not call a special election for that seat, but instead will […]

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January 13, 2014  •  

Ethics Bill Introduced in Kentucky

Kentucky could see updates to its legislative ethics code this session. House Bill 3 would amend the state ethics code to include recommendations of the Legislative Ethics Commission, including: Establishing a “no cup of coffee” rule for gifts from lobbyists […]

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Terry McAuliffe was sworn in as Governor of Virginia this weekend, and already he is making ethics a priority for his administration. Executive Order 2 establishes a gift limit for all executive branch officials and employees, prohibiting acceptance of gifts […]

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The bipartisan Senate Select Committee on Ethics has issued its final report and recommendations on an ethics bill to be considered during the start of next week’s legislative session. House Bill 3945 already has 54 pending Senate amendments and will […]

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A special election for the Massachusetts Second Suffolk Representative District has been called to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of state Representative Eugene L. O’Flaherty. The Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin announced the special […]

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The Delaware Ethics Commission has extended the deadline for year-end campaign finance reports due to glitches in the online filing system. The deadline to file year-end reports is now February 20.

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Today, the LobbyTracker system used for Rhode Island lobbyist and employer registrations and reports has been updated at the state’s Secretary of State’s online lobbyist information portal. Among the updates is the allowance for authorized users. An authorized user is […]

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The inauguration for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will be held Tuesday, January 21, 2014. The day will begin with a morning prayer service in Newark followed by a swearing-in ceremony and inaugural address in Trenton. Evening festivities include an […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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