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Last week, Gov. Matt Bevin signed a revenue bill including changes for executive agency lobbyists. House Bill 80 contains a provision increasing the registration fee for lobbying executive agencies from $125 to $500 beginning July 1, 2016 through June 30, […]

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May 2, 2016  •  

Iowa General Assembly Adjourns

The 2016 session of the 87th General Assembly adjourned on Friday, April 29, 2016. The House and Senate have agreed to continue state funding for Planned Parenthood clinics and to double the state tax credit for adoptions. Legislators also approved […]

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The Washington Attorney General’s Office has been asked to give an informal opinion as to whether initiative campaigns need to disclose top five donors on signature gathering petitions. This request comes from Senator Pam Roach, who is taking issue with […]

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The second regular session of the 127th Legislature adjourned sine die April 29, 2016. The statutory adjournment date was April 20, 2016; however, the Legislature spent an additional nine days in session. Legislators successfully overturned 20 of the 30 vetoes […]

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With scheduled renovations to begin May 1 at the Alaska Capitol, lawmakers are moving to a new location before continuing to work to fix the state’s multi-billion dollar budget deficit. Constitutionally, the legislature can remain in session for up to […]

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David Stewart, the head of a Pennsylvania construction business, pleaded guilty last week, on behalf of one of his businesses, for making illegal campaign contributions. The scheme involved executives at The Stewart Companies being reimbursed by the business for making […]

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Redondo Beach City Council will consider adopting an ordinance to reform local campaign finance rules. The proposed ordinance will include new campaign contribution limits and a prohibition on nonelection cycle contributions. The details of the ordinance, including contribution limit amounts, […]

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Rep. Ed Henry has collected enough signatures to formally begin an impeachment investigation against Gov. Robert Bentley. Bentley has declined to step down amid a political scandal involving allegations of misuse of state funds and an affair with a former […]

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The South Carolina Senate passed ethics reform legislation yesterday related to investigations of lawmakers and financial disclosure requirements. One bill gives the State Ethics Commission the authority to investigate legislators accused of ethics violations. The bill also puts eight seats […]

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State Sen. Terrence Murphy introduced a bill aiming to better prohibit unlawful campaign contributions and increase penalties for state election law violations. Senate Bill 7381 forbids any person acting on behalf of a public officer, candidate, or political committee from […]

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The Legislature sent a bill to Gov. Robert Bentley creating an exception to the current revolving door provision of the ethics law. Senate Bill 141 grants an exception to the two-year ban on lobbying for former government officials or employees […]

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The executive director of the newly formed ethics council in Virginia has been removed from this position. Chris Piper was fired from his post at the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council after some legislators claimed they thought […]

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Lawmakers will return to Raleigh today to begin the 2016 short session of the North Carolina General Assembly. The session is expected to primarily address adjustments needed to the biennial budget. The session is expected to adjourn in early July. […]

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The Michigan election law enacted by last session’s Senate Bill 571 is facing yet another legal challenge. A group of labor unions filed suit against the State of Michigan claiming that the law is unconstitutional. The contested provision of the […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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