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Progress Now New Mexico has filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office alleging state Rep. Paul Pacheco failed to disclose a conflict of interest on a major project. According to the complaint, Pacheco violated state law and House ethics […]

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Gov. Jay Nixon issued a writ of election to fill the vacancy for Missouri Senate District 4. Joseph Keaveny vacated the seat on July 7, 2016, to become an administrative law judge at the Department of Labor. Interested candidates must […]

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Gov. Rick Snyder has called for a special primary election to take place August 30. Candidates will be running to fill the vacancy created after the sudden death of state Rep. Julie Plawecki, who served the 11th House District. The […]

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Gov. Robert Bentley has announced a special legislative session will convene August 15, 2016. The primary focus of the session will be a constitutional amendment allowing a statewide lottery. Bentley believes the lottery will solve the state’s financial problems.

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The Oklahoma Ethics Commission will conduct a third public hearing on Advisory Opinion AOR-16-01 at its regularly scheduled meeting on August 12, 2016. Questions to be considered pertain to a candidate committee’s use of funds in making expenditures to political […]

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After being challenged in court by a lobbyist and political consultant, a proposed Denver ballot initiative was recently withdrawn by its backers. The initiative would have lowered contribution limits for elected officials, banned corporate contributions to candidates, and created a […]

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A special primary election will be held to fill Mike Hill’s vacant seat in the House of Representatives for District 41. The vacancy is a result of Hill’s resignation in order to accept an appointment by Gov. Robert Bentley as […]

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California Treasurer John Chiang announced that municipal finance firms seeking state business will be required to certify that they do not make contributions to bond election campaigns. Firms that fail to provide the certification will be suspended from the state’s […]

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The treasurer of the state Democratic Party has filed an ethics complaint against Republican nominee for secretary of state, Nora Espinoza. The complaint alleges violations of state law in her campaign finance reports, specifically failing to report the purpose of […]

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The Los Angeles City Ethics Commission announced it will begin a full review of the Municipal Lobbying Ordinance at the next commission meeting on August 9, 2016. The commission plans to focus the review on possible amendments to key definitions […]

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Gov. Asa Hutchinson will call a special election to fill the House seat left vacant by the passing of state Rep. Sheilla Lampkin. The special election will coincide with the November 8 general election. Voters in Lampkin’s district will be […]

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Gov. Bentley will call a special session. The session will focus on a constitutional amendment allowing a statewide lottery. Alabama is one of six states without a lottery, and Bentley believes it will solve the state’s funding problem. The dates […]

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The Republican Central Committee has nominated Lt. Gov. Eric Holcomb for governor. On July 27, 2016, 22 committee members, comprised of party insiders and elected officials, choose Gov. Pence’s replacement from four potential gubernatorial candidates. Holcomb beat out U.S. Reps. […]

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This November, voters will decide whether to approve the addition of two at-large seats on the County Council, increasing the number of council members from nine to 11. The at-large seats would represent countywide seats instead of a specific district, […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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