State Archives - Page 199 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

Gov. Pat McCrory is planning to call a special session to address Hurricane Matthew disaster relief. Information on when the session will be held is expected to be released next week. The regular session of the General Assembly is not […]

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The Missouri Ethics Commission has fined a citizen activist for failing to register as a legislative lobbyist. Registration is required for legislative lobbying if an individual attempts to influence official action and is designated to act as a lobbyist by […]

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October 28, 2016  •  

Utah Special Session Expected

Utah Gov. Gary Herbert will likely call a special session in mid-November to remedy a flawed road funding formula based on a statewide gas price increase. The faulty gas tax bill was passed earlier this year in the Legislature’s general […]

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Mayor Jim Kenney signed an executive order this week making changes to the city’s ban on gifts to executive branch employees. Executive Order 10-16 specifically mentions lobbyists as a prohibited source of gifts, whereas the previous administration’s order only mentions […]

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The Philadelphia Board of Ethics has voted to approve, for public comment, proposed amendments to the city’s lobbying regulation. The proposed changes to Regulation 9 include a substantial reorganization as well as more substantive changes such as increasing the lobbyist […]

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On October 19, 2016, two bills were introduced to the Michigan Legislature regarding campaign finance and ethics regulation. House Bill 6007 prohibits, for 18 months after leaving office, a former member of the Michigan Legislature from making expenditures or receiving […]

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On Election Day, Berkeley voters will consider a measure to create a voluntary system of public financing for city elections. Measure X1 seeks to allow candidates agreeing to limit their acceptance of contributions to $50 or less to qualify for […]

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Two special elections will take place on the same day as the general election, November 8, 2016, to fill vacancies due to resignations. Del. Monty Mason resigned his House District 93 seat to run to replace the late Sen. John […]

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A special election will be held on November 8, 2016, to fill the state’s 90th House District seat. Rep. Mary Fritz, who held the seat for three decades, died in July. The winner of the special election will finish Fritz’s […]

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Last week, the executive director of the Chicago Board of Ethics told the mayor and aldermen they could buy Cubs playoff tickets at face value provided they went to the game themselves and were publicly acknowledged by having their names […]

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On October 20, California’s Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) approved a regulation to provide further direction on how nonprofit organizations should report donor names relating to travel payments.   The regulation creates Form 807 for the purpose of disclosing donor […]

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County commissioners approved a new purchasing manual to ensure consistency and avoid impropriety within the county’s contracting process. A new hiring manager was brought in last year to overhaul a Purchasing Department troubled for years with allegations of political meddling. […]

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Rose Gill Hearn, chairwoman of the New York City Campaign Finance Board (NYCCFB), will step down in December. In Hearn’s September resignation letter, she stated her heavy work load from her primary job as the reason for her departure as […]

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The San Diego City Council voted to amend the Election Campaign Control Ordinance to make changes recommended by the Ethics Commission. Among the amendments are provisions to eliminate the third pre-election filing for primarily formed recipient committees and extend the […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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