State Archives - Page 179 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

The Legislature adjourned sine die late Friday, May 19, 2017. Bills to block removal of Confederate monuments and allow certified midwives to deliver babies in the home both passed. Lawmakers failed to pass the prison bill and Gov. Kay Ivey […]

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On May 9, 2017, Michigan Rep. John Kivela took his own life. Gov. Rick Snyder has called a special election to fill the vacancy for the 109th District. The special primary election will be held on August 8, 2017, with […]

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The Vermont Legislature adjourned the 2017 regular session today, May 19, 2017. Lawmakers delayed adjournment by more than a week as they continued negotiations on the state budget. The budget includes a health insurance savings program for teachers, as demanded […]

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Gov. Terry Branstad has called a special election to fill the state House seat left vacant by the passing of state Rep. Greg Forristall. The special election will be held Tuesday, June 27, 2017. The winner of the special election […]

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May 16, 2017  •  

Arizona Legislature Adjourns

The Arizona Legislature adjourned the first regular session of the 53rd Legislature sine die on May 10, 2017. Senate Bill 1123 passed, prohibiting any person acting on behalf of a state agency from entering into a contract for lobbying services, […]

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Jeff Mangan, a former Democratic State Legislator, took over Monday as Montana’s Commissioner of Political Practices. Mangan, the fifth to hold the title in 7 years, was sworn into a six-year term taking over for former Commissioner Jonathon Motl. Commissioner […]

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Gov. Rick Scott signed an executive order setting the dates for a special election to replace Sen. Frank Artiles. A special primary will be held on July 25, 2017, followed by a special general election on September 26. Artiles resigned […]

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Gov. Phil Bryant has set a special election to fill a vacancy in the Mississippi House of Representatives. Rep. Mark Formby vacated the District 108 seat to become chairman of the state Workers Compensation Commission. The election is set for […]

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City Council discovered its lobbying regulations have no enforcement mechanism several months ago, but it has yet to agree on whether violations should be treated as civil or criminal matters. The discovery began following a controversial vote on a request […]

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A measure to increase penalties for violations of Pennsylvania lobbying laws made it out of committee this week. House Bill 1175 increases the amount a lobbyist may be fined from $2,000 to $4,000, and establishes a graduating scale of daily […]

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The 2017 session of the 110th Tennessee General Assembly adjourned on Wednesday, May 10. Hesitant to make a last-minute decision on such a significant matter, lawmakers postponed a bill to increase campaign contribution limits for legislators. Legislation did pass requiring […]

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The first regular session of the 71st Colorado General Assembly adjourned Wednesday, May 10. Prior to adjournment, lawmakers passed an omnibus spending bill to save Colorado hospitals millions of dollars and reduce Medicaid spending while increasing funding for highway projects […]

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After last year’s budget bill temporarily increased the executive agency lobbyist registration fee, lawmakers have made the change permanent. House Bill 80 of the 2016 legislative session increased the fee to $500, effective July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2018, […]

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Lawmakers passed two measures dealing with ethics and transparency during the regular legislative session that wrapped up in April. House Bill 2319 will become effective July 5, requiring candidate committees for members of the Legislature to make additional disclosures of […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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