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The Oregon Legislature adjourned July 7, three days before its July 10 constitutional deadline. In the final days of the session, lawmakers passed a $5.3 billion package of taxes and fees to fund transportation upgrades and another bill to reduce […]

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On June 30, the North Carolina General Assembly adjourned. The resolution to adjourn has lawmakers scheduled to reconvene in August and September. The session scheduled for August 3, 2017 will primarily address any veto overrides; however, the adjournment resolution grants […]

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Senate Bill 43, a bill to modify Oregon’s lobbyist registration and reporting requirements, is set for its third reading in the House on July 6. The bill clarifies certain public officials and persons who provide professional services to entities meeting […]

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Gov. Bill Walker signed a shutdown-averting $8.8 billion state operating budget into law; however, the Alaska Legislature remains in session to address oil and gas tax credits. The 30-day special session ends July 16. Lawmakers have set a record this […]

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The Baltimore County Council passed an ethics bill requiring training for certain county government officials and registered lobbyists. The bill requires the Ethics Commission to provide a training course for registered lobbyists at least twice a year. A registered lobbyist […]

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July 5, 2017  •  

Maine Legislature Recesses

The Maine 2017 regular session recessed on July 3, 2017. The Legislature failed to pass a budget on June 30, 2017, forcing Gov. Paul LePage to declare a state of civil emergency in the absence of a biennial budget. The […]

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Despite working into the early hours of Saturday morning, the Delaware Legislature adjourned the 2017 regular session on July 1, 2017, without passing a 2018 budget. In order to address the Legislature’s failure, Gov. John Carney called a special session […]

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The New York Legislature’s two-day special session adjourned sine die on June 29, 2017. Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the special session to enact legislation extending mayoral control over the city of New York’s school district. The legislation extends city control […]

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In an attempt to prevent doctors from overprescribing opioids, the Maine Legislature recently passed a bill prohibiting manufacturers or wholesalers, or an agent of either, from offering gifts to health care practitioners. A “gift,” as it pertains to the Maine […]

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On June 27, the San Jose City Council voted unanimously to reject an ordinance changing San Jose’s gift ordinance to increase the gift limit from $50 to $470. The council approved the measure in its first vote last week, but […]

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On June 27, Rep. Don Haggar, a Republican lawmaker from Sioux Falls, resigned effective immediately from his District 10 position to become the director for the state’s chapter of Americans For Prosperity. Americans for Prosperity is the conservative advocacy group […]

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On June 26, the West Virginia Legislature adjourned its special session sine die. Lawmakers approved a budget after months of debate to resolve a $500 million shortfall in the 2018 fiscal year budget. The state budget cuts funding for higher […]

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On Thursday, June 22, Gov. David Ige signed three bills amending state lobbying and ethics laws. Among other things, the bills double the maximum administrative fine the State Ethics Commission may impose for violations of ethics or lobbying laws, amends […]

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Gov. Kim Reynolds called a special election for House District 82. The special election has been called to fill the vacancy left by the passing of State Rep. Curt Hanson. Hanson was serving his fifth term when he lost his […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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