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Gov. Andrew Cuomo called a special election for April 24, 2018. The special election is needed to fill nine vacant Assembly seats and two vacant Senate seats. The Senate races may garner a lot of fanfare as Democrats hope to […]

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New York voters rejected a ballot question calling for a constitutional convention. If passed, a constitutional convention would have been set for 2019 and would have allowed a total review of the New York Constitution. The question is automatically added […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) will conduct a public hearing on proposed regulations in Hearing Room A of the Legislative Building, 198 State Street, Albany, New York on October 30, from 1-4 p.m. The proposed regulations compile existing […]

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo may call a special session this fall. Cuomo believes a special session may be needed to address federal cuts to the state’s health care programs and other budgetary issues. In a letter to lawmakers, Cuomo stated a […]

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The New York Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) issued a call to concerned individuals for comments regarding the Notice of Proposed Rulemakings for Comprehensive Lobbying regulations and Source of Funding Disclosure Regulations. The comprehensive regulations expand the definition of […]

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Home-sharing website Airbnb is planning to file a formal complaint to call on the Joint Commission on Public Ethics or the state Attorney General’s Office to investigate the ShareBetter coalition, which has spent money to run anti-Airbnb ads, organized lobby […]

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The New York Legislature’s two-day special session adjourned sine die on June 29, 2017. Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the special session to enact legislation extending mayoral control over the city of New York’s school district. The legislation extends city control […]

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James Yates and Marvin Ray Raskin have been appointed to the Joint Commission of Public Ethics (JCOPE). Yates previously served the state Supreme Court and served as counsel to ex-Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Raskin has served as the president of […]

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo called a special election for May 23, 2017. The special election is needed to fill vacancies in both the 30th Senate District and Assembly District 9. Bill Perkins left the state senate after winning a New York […]

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo tackled several issues at his recent State of the State Address. Cuomo acknowledged the corruption at all levels of government, and proposed plans for a full-time Legislature, term limits for elected officials, an increase to the inspector […]

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According to the American Civil Liberties Union (A.C.L.U.) and New York Civil Liberties Union (N.Y.C.L.U.), Attorney General Eric Schneiderman will not enforce certain provisions of the ethics law passed in 2016. Specifically, Schneiderman is holding off on enforcing provisions of […]

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Minutes before midnight on December 12, 2016, Citizens Union (CU) filed a complaint against the State of New York alleging a violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. CU seeks declaratory and injunctive relief from disclosure laws […]

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December 1, 2016  •  

Chairman of JCOPE Steps Down

On November 29, 2016, Daniel Horwitz’s departure as the chairman of the New York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) was announced at a panel meeting. Horwitz has been a member of JCOPE since 2011 and the chairman since […]

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A special session may be called for the New York Legislature this December. Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants a special session to pass a series of ethics reforms he proposed in a statement released on Nov. 16, 2016. Lawmakers are against […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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