legislative sessions Archives - Page 78 of 83 - State and Federal Communications

March 16, 2015  •  

Utah Legislature Adjourns

The Utah Legislature adjourned its 2015 session sine die on March 12, 2015. Governor Gary Herbert has until April 1 to veto or sign legislation. The Governor does not possess a pocket veto. The normal effective date for bills passed […]

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The Legislature adjourned sine die on Friday, March 6, 2015, after passing two campaign finance bills. House Bill 38 was originally filed to remove all contribution limits for political action committees (PACs), but amendments to the bill keep a $5,000 […]

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The Virginia General Assembly adjourned sine die on Friday, February 27, 2015. Before adjourning, the legislature sent an ethics bill to the governor. House Bill 2070 changes the $250 annual, aggregate gift limit to a $100 per-gift limit. However, the […]

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While lawmakers meet in an extraordinary session to quickly pass a right-to-work bill, union leaders are sponsoring an opposition rally at the state Capitol. Senate Bill 44 will be debated in the Committee on Labor, with a Senate floor vote […]

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Bills have been filed in both chambers of the North Dakota Legislature advocating for annual legislative sessions. Senate Bill 2247 would permit a 50-day session in odd-numbered years and mandate a 30-day session in even-numbered years. House Bill 1342 would […]

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A renovation of the Capitol Building planned for next year may shorten the Minnesota Legislature’s session. Currently, the session is slated to span 2015 and 2016. However, with the planned renovation, many lawmakers are considering completing the entire session this […]

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Today the Montana Legislature will convene its 64th regular session. Based on pre-filed bills, issues under consideration include revising campaign laws related to robo-calls, absentee ballots, and disclosure and reporting periods for certain campaign activities. The Legislature, which regularly meets […]

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The fall session of the 33rd Yukon Legislative Assembly, which convened on October 23, adjourned on December 18, 2014. Bill 104, the Paid Lobbying Act, did not progress past the first reading.

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December 23, 2014  •  

Ohio House Adjourns Sine Die

Today, the Ohio House of Representatives adjourned sine die, having concluded it regular floor session on December 17. The Senate had previously adjourned sine die on December 18. Among the bills passed by both chambers of the Legislature is a […]

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The first regular session of the 127th Maine Legislature convened on December 3, 2014. Legislators were sworn in by Gov. Paul LePage, including Republican Cathy Manchester. Manchester was given a provisional seat in the Senate pending the resolution of the […]

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December 5, 2014  •  

Illinois House Adjourns Sine Die

The Illinois House of Representatives adjourned its two-year legislative session sine die on Wednesday, December 3. Some state business will be left until Republican Gov.-elect Bruce Rauner and a new General Assembly take office in January. It is possible, however, […]

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On November 27, the third session of the 40th parliament of the British Columbia Legislative Assembly adjourned for the year. The Legislature did not pass Bill M202, the Election Finance Amendment Act. It would have restricted political contributions to donations […]

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In an about-face, Gov. Jay Nixon announced a special session is not necessary. After alerting the Legislature he was planning on calling a special session, legislative leaders suggested the governor already possessed the power required to ensure Missouri Highway Patrol […]

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Gov. Jay Nixon has informed legislative leaders he would be calling a special session to address funding issues related to the deployment of Missouri National Guard troops and Missouri State Highway Patrol officers in the city of Ferguson. Gov. Nixon […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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