Campaign Finance Archives - Page 277 of 314 - State and Federal Communications

August 15, 2012  •  

Wednesday News Roundup

Keep up with the latest lobbying, campaign finance, and ethics news with these articles:

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Additional rule changes await determination

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Bill to limit the advantages for incumbents

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August 10, 2012  •  

News You Can Use Digest – August 10, 2012

Here are highlights from the latest edition of News You Can Use:

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Attorney General’s Recommendation

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Law unconstitutionally restricts doctors’ free speech rights

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August 6, 2012  •  

Monday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News

Don’t miss these articles on lobbying, campaign finance, ethics, and social media:

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Provisions regarding contribution limits also invalidated

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August 3, 2012  •  

News You Can Use Digest – August 3, 2012

August 2, 2012  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying, campaign finance, and ethics

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Take a look at our Wednesday news summary:

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July 30, 2012  •  

Monday News Roundup

Don’t miss these articles on lobbying, campaign finance, ethics, and social media:

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July 27, 2012  •  

News on Disclosure Rules from the FEC

Nonprofit groups that put out issue ads will have to disclose who is paying for them

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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