Joanna Kamvouris, Author at State and Federal Communications - Page 10 of 22

Voters in Oklahoma City approved a proposition relating to mayoral and city council elections. Proposition 1 amends the city charter by changing the names of “primary” and “general” elections to “general” and “runoff” elections. Additionally, the proposition sets the regular […]

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Voters in Laredo approved a proposition exempting certain public officials from the prohibition on participating in political activity. Proposition D amends the city charter to explicitly exempt the mayor, in addition to individual city council members, from the prohibition against […]

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Voters in Laredo, Texas approved a proposition to trigger an automatic recall for certain criminal convictions of mayor and city council members. Proposition A amends the city charter to require city council members and mayors convicted of non-felony crimes to […]

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Voters across Puerto Rico await final results on November 4 following elections that saw long lines and produced a tight gubernatorial race. Candidate Pedro Pierluisi holds a slight lead over Carlos Delgado Altieri and several other candidates in the race […]

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On November 3, voters in New Mexico approved a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to adjust the term of a state, county, or district officer. House Joint Resolution 8, or Amendment 2, allows the legislature to adjust the term […]

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On November 3, voters in Arkansas approved a constitutional amendment to impose term limits for state legislators. Issue 2 creates term limits of 12 consecutive years for state legislators with the opportunity to return after a four-year break. Arkansas previously […]

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Utah Capitol Building - Jkinsocal

On November 3, voters in Utah approved a constitutional amendment to modify the commencement date of the annual Utah legislative session. Senate Joint Resolution 3, or Amendment F, amends the commencement of the legislature from the fourth Monday in January […]

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Utah Capitol Building - Jkinsocal

Incumbent Lt. Gov. and Republican Spencer Cox defeated candidate Chris Peterson 64% to 30% in Utah’s gubernatorial race. Cox, the top finisher among state Republican convention delegates, beat three GOP candidates in the June 30 party primary. Those are former […]

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Louisiana lawmakers have until final adjournment at 6 p.m. on June 30 to pass the government spending plan for the fiscal year that begins on July 1. In the special session premised in large part on COVID-19 relief, lawmakers gave […]

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In a 3-2 decision on June 16, the New Mexico Supreme Court denied a request allowing lobbyists and public into the Capitol, known as the Roundhouse, during the special legislative session beginning June 18. Chief Justice Judith Nakamura described the […]

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The Hawaii Ethics Commission approved a package of proposals on June 18. These proposals amend and adopt portions of the Hawaii Administrative Rules related to lobbying and gifts. The amendments in chapters one through six address the Commission’s operations and […]

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The Colorado Legislature adjourned sine die on June 15 after an unprecedented session. The session originally began on January 8 with a focus on school safety and funding education. On March 14, the session was postponed to curb the spread […]

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Utah Gov. Gary Herbert is targeting a special session from June 18 to June 19 to adjust next fiscal year’s budget in response to COVID-19. A plan is underway to allow lawmakers the option of attending virtually. The day prior […]

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The Hawaii Legislature will resume its session on June 22 to address budget issues, COVID-19, and police discipline measures. The Legislature previously recessed on May 22 after passing legislation storing more than $1 billion in the general fund. Now lawmakers […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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