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Gov. Terry McAuliffe plans to offer amendments to the ethics reform bill passed last month. HB 2070 creates a $100 per gift cap to replace the current $250 aggregate limit lawmakers must abide by. Gov. McAuliffe announced he would like […]

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The Virginia General Assembly adjourned sine die on Friday, February 27, 2015. Before adjourning, the legislature sent an ethics bill to the governor. House Bill 2070 changes the $250 annual, aggregate gift limit to a $100 per-gift limit. However, the […]

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The House of Delegates and Senate each passed versions of ethics reform bills targeting gifts to lawmakers. Both chambers and the governor have agreed on a $100 limit, including meals and travel, as well as the creation of a bipartisan […]

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Del. Joseph D. Morrissey announced he has resigned his seat, prompting a special election on January 13, 2015. The lawmaker entered an Alford plea on a misdemeanor count of contributing to the deliquency of a minor, acknowledging sufficient evidence for […]

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Virginia House Speaker William Howell announced a special election will be held on January 6 to fill the open seat for District 34. Barbara Comstock is vacating the seat following her victorious campaign for Virginia’s 10th Congressional District. The Democratic […]

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The ethics panel recently assembled by Gov. Terry McAuliffe has assembled its recommendations for reforming laws covering gifts and conflicts of interest. The panel recommended a $250 gift limit to public officials as well as creating a new ethics review […]

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The inaugural meeting of the Commission to Ensure Integrity and Public Confidence in State Government was held this week in Richmond. Gov. Terry McAuliffe assembled the commission amid recent political scandals involving state government officials, including the conviction of former […]

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Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced the appointment of a bipartisan panel to review state campaign finance, gift, and public disclosure laws. The panel is co-chaired by former Virginia Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling and former U.S. Rep. Rick Boucher, who represented a […]

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Arlington County Board member John Vihstadt is calling for tougher gift restrictions for county employees and officials. In the wake of former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell and his wife being convicted on corruption charges, Vihstadt hopes to place a $100 […]

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Governor Terry McAuliffe declared a special election will take place on November 4, 2014 to fill the seat vacated by Representative Eric Cantor. Representative Cantor, who lost the Republican primary election on June 10, recently announced that he would resign […]

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On June 20, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed the state’s two-year budget with a series of line-item vetoes. With plans to introduce stronger ethics reform legislation in next year’s General Assembly session, he vetoed all funding for the Virginia Conflicts […]

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Gov. Terry McAuliffe has vetoed two bills unanimously passed by the legislature designed to restrict his ability to solicit gifts and campaign contributions. The identical bills would have prevented the governor, his campaign committee, and any PAC established on his […]

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Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe has submitted technical changes to the General Assembly on the major ethics legislation passed this session, including a change to the effective date of the legislation. The legislation enacts a limit on gifts from lobbyists and […]

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The Virginia State Board of Elections is seeking public comment on a proposed change to its campaign finance filing deadline. The Board is proposing moving the deadline for electronic filing from 5:00 p.m. on the due date to 11:59 p.m. […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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