September 14, 2012 •
United Way Sets Sights on Guinness World Record
State and Federal Communications sends ten to compete!
In an attempt to set a Guinness World Record for “the greatest number of people playing cornhole in the same competition” the United Way of Summit County invited local area businesses and residents to Lock 3 Park in Akron to participate in a lunchtime event. With a reported total of 258 participants, the United Way estimates that indeed a new record was set and submitted the information to the Guinness World Record organization.
State and Federal Communications sent five teams to the tournament with hopes of bringing home a first prize of $100 and two custom made United Way Cornhole Board sets. State and Federal’s teams of Amber Fish-Linke and Sarah Gray, Myra Cottrill and Becky Campbell, Michael Beckett and Shamus Williams, John Cozine and Steve Quinn, and Jen Zona and Jon Spontarelli each competed alongside a deep field of Akron’s best tossers. While we were unsuccessful in our bid to win the tournament, State and Federal was proud to be a part of what could be a new Guinness World Record.
June 29, 2012 •
United Way Day of Action 2012
State and Federal Communications, Inc. scrapes and paints bleachers.
A scraper, a sander and a paint brush. Not your typical office supplies. But Friday, June 15, 2012 was not your typical work day as State and Federal Communications, Inc. volunteered its time to lend a hand to Akron Public Schools for the United Way’s Day of Action.
State and Federal President and CEO Elizabeth Z. Bartz—an avid supporter of the United Way—sent 15 dedicated employees to be a part of this year’s event. Day of Action functions to improve the good of the community in education, income and health by uniting local corporate sponsors, volunteers and non-profit organizations with a common agenda – to better the Akron area. This year marks the 4th year that State and Federal has participated.
Our assignment was scraping and painting football stadium bleachers. We split into two teams; one went to Kenmore High School and the other to Ellet. Team Kenmore scraped bleachers while team Ellet scraped, sanded and painted the handrails.
I was on team Ellet. We arrived and were put straight to work. I gathered my supplies; a scraper, gloves, a sander and a water bottle. With the sun beating down and sweat dripping from our faces, we spent the hottest hours of the day refurbishing the handrails surrounding the bleachers.
Over at Kenmore, for I.T. assistant Ken Kelewae, the task was more meaningful; he was back to his alma mater. Ken and the rest of his team stripped the faded bleachers that have served Kenmore High for at least 50 years.
What seemed like such a simple task proved to be much more. After many hours in the sun, a lot of sweat and a few sunburns later everyone walked away from their site with a sense of accomplishment. The United Way and Akron Public Schools were grateful for the hundreds of volunteers that committed their day to bettering the Akron community and the bleachers were ready to go for a new football season.
Out with the old, in with the new!
Day of Action video courtesy of Alexa Livadas.
June 1, 2011 •
State and Federal Communications Scrapbook
We wanted to share a few pictures from recent events.
Another proud moment for State and Federal Communications, Inc. occurred recently when Ren Koozer, I.T. Director, accepted the United Way of Summit County award for State and Federal Communications, Inc. for Highest Corporate per Capita giving by employees (for employers under 49) for the eighth year straight. Attending the event was [l to r:] George Ticoras, Joe May, John Cozine, Ren Koozer, Amber Fish Linke, Myra Cottrill, Steve Quinn, Ken Kelewae, and Nicolette Bartz Koozer, photographer.
Ren Koozer is accepting the Campaign Excellence Award for State and Federal Communications, Inc. for outstanding excellence in giving.
In the photo with Koozer are William Feth [AESCO Electronics] and Katie Rennard [United Way].
State and Federal Communications, Inc. treated the administrative staff to a luncheon sponsored by Superior Staffing on Administrative Assistants Day. Founder of Superior Staffing, Fran Doll, was the guest speaker. Her dynamic life story truly inspired the sold out crowd at Portage Country Club.
In attendance was: [front] Leah Hadgis, Susan Stofka, Val Blake, and Sarah Gray, [back] Megan Huber, Nicole Davis, Becky Campbell, and Justin Quinlan.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting