Steve Bullock Archives - State and Federal Communications

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock - Gage Skidmore

A lawsuit filed by the Illinois Opportunity Project over Montana Gov. Steve Bullock’s executive order on dark money in elections has been dismissed. The Illinois-based conservative advocacy group filed the lawsuit in U.S. federal court in Helena objecting to Executive […]

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Montana Gov. Steve Bullock - Gage Skidmore

The Illinois Opportunity Project is challenging Gov. Steve Bullock’s Executive Order 15-2018. Bullock’s Executive Order requires organizations receiving large state contracts to report political contributions that exceed $2,500, even if the disclosures are not required under federal election laws. The […]

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February 22, 2019  •  

Supreme Court Won’t Hear Montana Case

This week, the Supreme Court of the United States declined to hear a case challenging the state’s Disclose Act, leaving in place a lower court ruling of constitutionality. The Disclose Act requires more heightened reporting by groups seeking to influence […]

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Gov. Steve Bullock announced he will sign an executive order to further Montana’s goal of shedding light on dark money spending in elections. The executive order applies to new contracts for goods over $50,000 and new services contracts over $25,000 […]

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The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Montana’s campaign spending disclosure laws this week. The three-judge panel ruled the law is not unconstitutionally vague and requiring groups spending money on electioneering communications to report their donors is proper. The […]

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November 16, 2017  •  

Montata Special Session Adjourns

The Montana Legislature adjourned a special session on the state’s budget shortfall in the early hours on Thursday morning. Multiple bills were passed to close the $227 million gap including a bill requiring furloughs of state employees, changing the state liquor license […]

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October 9, 2017  •  

Montana Special Session Likely

Some lawmakers say the Legislature will need to meet in a special session in the coming months to battle Montana’s budget crisis made worse by the summer’s wildfires. Gov. Steve Bullock can cut budgets by up to 10 percent to […]

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This week, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock discussed calling a special session of the Legislature to address how to pay the costs of the summer’s wildfires. The Governor’s budget director recommended the state reduce spending by $229.3 million to balance a […]

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On Friday, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock vetoed a bill to increase the maximum allowable contributions from individuals and political action committees and place the Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices under the jurisdiction of the state attorney general. Senate […]

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On Wednesday, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock appointed Jeff Mangan, a former Democratic state legislator, to a six-year term as the next Commissioner of Political Practices. Mangan will replace outgoing Commissioner Jonathon Motl whose tenure was riddled by allegations of disproportionately […]

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Top Montana legislators canceled a meeting this week to nominate a new Commissioner of Political Practices when an agreement could not be reached. In a meeting held last week, members of the bipartisan House and Senate leadership committee, tasked at […]

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On Wednesday, Gov. Steve Bullock called a special election to take place on May 25 to fill Montana’s only seat in the U.S. House of Representatives vacated by Ryan Zinke. Zinke was confirmed this week by the U.S. Senate as […]

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April 28, 2015  •  

Montana Legislature Adjourns

The Montana Senate and the House both adjourned sine die on April 28, 2015. Governor Steve Bullock, who does not have a pocket veto, has 10 days upon delivery to sign, veto, or recommend amendments to bills. The Legislature, which […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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