San Francisco Archives - State and Federal Communications

Voters approved a ballot measure making changes to the city ethics law. Proposition D imposes more restrictive prohibitions on gifts to public officials and requires additional ethics training for public officials. Certain definitions such as bribery are amended to become […]

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The San Francisco Ethics Commission has drafted regulations, overhauling the city’s gift law. While the regulation does not change the gift limit, the regulation heavily alters what is considered not a gift, adding more exclusions, and better defining existing exclusions. […]

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Voters have approved Proposition H. Proposition H changes city elections to even-numbered years. The Mayor, Sheriff, District Attorney, City Attorney, and Treasurer will have their terms end on January 8, 2025, rather than in 2024 to accommodate for the new […]

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San Francisco voters have approved a ballot proposition prohibiting behested payments from contractors with contracts approved by the Board of Supervisors. Proposition E also allows the city’s behested payment law to be amended if the city’s Ethics Commission and two-thirds […]

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The San Francisco Ethics Commission will hold a special remote meeting Friday, February 25, at 10 a.m. to discuss proposed amendments to the city’s gift and ethics laws. The meeting will focus on amendments to expand the definition of who […]

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The San Francisco Board of Supervisors has introduced a bill to restrict how public officials can solicit behested payments. The legislation prohibits elected officials and city department heads from requesting donations to charities from lobbyists, persons seeking contracts with the […]

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Mayor London N. Breed announced the Health Officer of the City and County of San Francisco has issued a Public Health Order. This order requires residents to remain in place, with the only exception being for essential needs. This measure […]

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U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer will uphold the bulk of a San Francisco ordinance requiring political ads to disclose top donors and secondary funding sources. Proposition F requires print, audio, and video political ads disclose the top three donors who […]

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A federal judge in San Francisco will hear arguments on February 14 on a free speech challenge to the new donor disclosure rules enacted by city voters in November. U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer will consider the Yes on B […]

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A San Francisco ballot measure intended to increase the restrictions on political contributions for campaign ads won easily on Tuesday. Proposition F, the Sunlight on Dark Money measure, passed by 76% of the votes. The proposition only needed a simple […]

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Voters will have a chance in November to increase the restrictions on political contributions in the latest campaign finance proposal aimed at pay-to-play. The Sunlight on Dark Money ballot initiative requires greater disclosure of who is behind campaign advertisements paid […]

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The San Francisco Ethics Commission voted to adopt amendments to the Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code. The changes include electronic filing, filing of contribution disclosures no later than 14 days following the contribution, and updating filing forms. The changes provide […]

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The San Francisco Ethics Commission will hold its next regular meeting on May 29. The commission will consider and possibly act on a set of proposed regulation changes to the Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code. These changes include electronic filing, […]

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Legislation amending San Francisco’s Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code takes effect next week. Ordinance No. 129-18 is effective June 30, though most of its provisions are not operative until January 1, 2019. The ordinance extends the restriction period for contractor […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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