lobbying Archives - Page 225 of 273 - State and Federal Communications

November 6, 2013  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying “Lobbing World” in The Hill. “Bottom Line” in The Hill. “TechAmerica Lobbyists Jump Ship for Rival Outfit” by Brian Heaton in Government Technology. Campaign Finance “Secret Persuasion: How Big Campaign Donors Stay Anonymous” by Peter Overby, Viveca Novak, and […]

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Lobbying “Lobby firm brings on Obama aide” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill. California: “FPPC fines ex-lawmaker Mike Roos for improper contributions” by Laurel Rosenhall in The Sacramento Bee. Florida: “Tallahassee lobbyists won’t be audited until 2015” by Aaron Deslatte […]

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November 4, 2013  •  

Monday News Roundup

Lobbying “Cooley-Dow Lohnes merger leaves lobbyists out” by Catherine Ho in The Washington Post. “Hotel trade group shakes up lobby team” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill. Alabama: “Bill aims to discourage lawmakers from departing for lobbying positions” by Brian […]

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Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh filed a bill to be considered during the Alabama Legislature’s upcoming session, beginning January 14, 2014. The bill would ban a former legislator for a period of two years from lobbying members of either […]

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      Federal: Michelle Obama Policy Initiatives Are a Big Deal for Big Business Politico – Byron Tau and Helena Bottemiller Evich | Published: 10/30/2013 First lady Michelle Obama’s two signature policy initiatives, the Let’s Move! childhood obesity effort and […]

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October 31, 2013  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Here are some great articles for today’s government relations news summary:

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October 30, 2013  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Here is our roundup of the latest articles on lobbying, campaign finance, ethics, and more!

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October 29, 2013  •  

Safe Chemicals Stroller Brigade

Demonstration to urge lawmakers to update toxic substance law

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Grassroots Activities May be Reportable as Lobbying Expenses

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Keep up with the latest government relations news with these articles:

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October 28, 2013  •  

Monday News Roundup

Let’s start off the week with these lobbying, campaign finance, and ethics news articles:

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October 25, 2013  •  

News You Can Use Digest – October 25, 2013

Here are highlights from the latest edition of News You Can Use:

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October 24, 2013  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Here are some great articles for today’s government relations news summary:

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October 23, 2013  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Here is our roundup of the latest articles on lobbying, campaign finance, ethics, and more!

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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