July 18, 2014 •
Ask the Experts – Lobbyist Gifts to Family Members of Public Officials
Q. Do gift laws preventing registered lobbyists and employers from giving gifts to public officials, also prohibit gifts to the family members of public officials? A. Generally, in states that feature a prohibition on lobbyists giving gifts to public officials […]
Q. Do gift laws preventing registered lobbyists and employers from giving gifts to public officials, also prohibit gifts to the family members of public officials?
A. Generally, in states that feature a prohibition on lobbyists giving gifts to public officials or employees, the prohibition will extend to members of the public officials’ immediate family. However, immediate family is usually a defined term and will vary by jurisdiction.
For example, Alabama law prohibits lobbyists and employers of lobbyists from offering or providing a thing of value to a public employee, public official, or family member of a public employee or public official. The state defines a family member of a public employee as a spouse or dependent. A family member of a public official is defined as the spouse, dependent, adult child and his or her spouse, spouse’s parent, and siblings of spouse and their respective spouses.
In Kentucky, the General Assembly just passed House Bill 28, which extends the prohibition on gifts to family members of legislators or candidates. Effective July 14, 2014, registered legislative lobbyists will be prohibited from giving gifts to spouses or children of legislators or candidates for General Assembly.
In Pennsylvania, gifts are also prohibited to immediate family members of public officials, employees, or candidates for public office. They interpret immediate family members to include spouses, children, parents, and siblings.
However, not all states include family members in the gift prohibitions. Minnesota’s gift prohibition applies to public officials, employees of the Legislature, and local officials, but it does not extend to their family members.
Before giving a gift to a public official or employee, you should consult the jurisdiction’s ethics commission. Do not expect officials or their family members to know the applicable laws.
You can directly submit questions for this feature, and we will select those most appropriate and answer them here. Send your questions to: marketing@stateandfed.com.
(We are always available to answer questions from clients that are specific to your needs, and we encourage you to continue to call or e-mail us with questions about your particular company or organization. As always, we will confidentially and directly provide answers or information you need.) Our replies to your questions are not legal advice. Instead, these replies represent our analysis of laws, rules, and regulations.
July 18, 2014 •
News You Can Use Digest – July 18, 2014
National: America’s Shifting Statehouse Press Pew Center on the States – Jodi Enda, Katarina Eva Masta, and Jan Lauren Boyles | Published: 7/10/2014 After more than a decade of scaling back, newspapers still send more reporters to cover state Capitols than […]
America’s Shifting Statehouse Press
Pew Center on the States – Jodi Enda, Katarina Eva Masta, and Jan Lauren Boyles | Published: 7/10/2014
After more than a decade of scaling back, newspapers still send more reporters to cover state Capitols than any other medium. But the print journalists who remain now work shoulder to shoulder with students and reporters from non-traditional outlets, shows a new survey. The rise of those non-traditional outlets may be the most significant development in statehouse press coverage in the last five years, although no historical data is available to chart their rise. They include publications that tailor to insider audiences, nonprofit news organizations, and ideologically driven news sites.
Hobbled IRS Can’t Stem ‘Dark Money’ Flow
The Center for Public Integrity – Julie Patel | Published: 7/15/2014
The scandal over the IRS targeting conservative groups, combined with Congress systematically stripping the agency of resources and clout over decades, has led to an exempt organizations division that has all but quit regulating politically active nonprofits in any consistent, demonstrable way, according to a Center for Public Integrity investigation. The IRS came to a near standstill on deciding whether it should grant “social welfare” nonprofit status to conservative and liberal groups. An exempt organizations division staffer said the IRS knew many of these groups were highly political, but “we stalled so we wouldn’t have to say no.”
From the States and Municipalities:
Alaska – APOC Rejects Complaint That Parents Should Be Registered Lobbyists
Alaska Dispatch – Richard Mauer (Anchorage Daily News) | Published: 7/11/2014
The Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) determined there was no merit to a complaint filed by former middle school math teacher and legislative candidate David Nees that said parents who volunteered to spend the last month of the legislative session in Juneau seeking money for schools should have registered as paid lobbyists. APOC ruled that even if his allegations were true, there would be no violation of the law because the parents were unpaid and their lobbying trips unsubsidized by others.
California – San Diego’s Ethics Commission Votes to Reign in Independent Committees
inewssource.org – Joe Yerardi | Published: 7/11/2014
The San Diego Ethics Commission voted to forward a proposal to city council that would have the practical effect of ending independent committees taking campaign videos published on candidates’ web sites, downloading them, and paying television stations to run them as advertisements. Specifically, the rule would expand the definition of ‘contribution” to include the republication and dissemination of many candidates’ campaign-created materials. Independent committees are usually prohibited from making contributions of any kind to candidates for city office. So replicating candidates’ videos would constitute an illegal non-monetary contribution to a campaign.
Connecticut – Banned Donors Skirt Law Designed To Prevent Pay-To-Play
Hartford Courant – Dave Altimari and Matthew Kauffman | Published: 7/13/2014
Corporations are donating to the federal fundraising accounts of Connecticut’s political parties to navigate around laws banning employees of some companies from giving to candidates for state office. The State Elections Enforcement Commission earlier this year warned federal laws do not “create a loophole” allowing prohibited donors to support state campaigns. The Legislature in 2005 enacted limits on political contributions by state contractors after a kickback scandal that ultimately led to federal prison terms for former Gov. John Rowland and others.
Georgia – Georgia Ethics Chief Claims Lawyer for Gov. Deal Made Threat over Ethics Complaints
Greenfield Daily Reporter – Christina Cassidy (Associated Press) | Published: 7/14/2014
Holly LaBerge, executive secretary of Georgia’s ethics commission, said top aides to Gov. Nathan Deal once threatened to thwart efforts to expand the agency’s authority unless she made campaign finance complaints against the governor “go away.” The governor and his staff have repeatedly denied any interference with the case, which was settled for $3,350 in fines. LaBerge’s attorney said she was speaking out under the state’s whistleblower law and wanted to make sure she would not be retaliated against. In a television interview, LaBerge said she was tired of being accused of carrying out favors on Deal’s behalf.
Indiana – Slippery Government Ethics Rules Raise Calls for Reforms
Indianapolis Star – Tony Cook, Ryan Sabalow, and Eric Weddle | Published: 7/10/2014
Like many states, Indiana has laws intended to prevent long-recognized ethical problems. State officials are restricted from using government resources for political purposes, must disclose certain financial interests, and are supposed to wait at least a year before taking a job with a company they regulate or whose contracts they administer. But in Indiana, there are lots of exceptions to those rules, which were on display in recent cases involving former Superintendent of Schools Tony Bennet, top transportation official Tony Wodruff, and state Rep. Eric Turner.
Kentucky – Meet the Nation’s Most Honest Politician
CNN – Wade Payson-Denney | Published: 7/16/2014
Gil Fulbright is a fake political candidate, appearing in a brutally honest viral video. Actor Frank Ridley plays the character of a money-hungry politician, who lets the public know in his ad that the issues do not matter, as long as he can get re-elected. The faux campaign is raising real money, even though Fulbright’s name will not appear on any ballot. Represent.Us is sending this character to campaign events in Kentucky to bring a message to the public – limit the influence of money in politics.
Maryland – Excuses Abound for Md. Campaign Report Failings
CapitalGazette.cm; Associated Press – | Published: 7/14/2014
Jared DeMarinis, the director of candidacy and campaign finance for the Maryland Board of Elections, is the person that candidates call when they receive notification the state is assessing them for failing to file timely campaign finance reports. Because the reports are filed electronically, about the only thing DeMarinis has not heard is that the dog ate the report. By far, the most popular excuse is that the campaigns did not understand the software they are required to use.
Pennsylvania – Convicted of Crimes, They Now Have Plaques under Their Portraits
Philadelphia Inquirer – Angela Couloumbis | Published: 7/15/2014
In the Pennsylvania Capitol, roughly two dozen portraits of legislative leaders hang in a place of honor near the rotunda. As of this week, some of them come with a footnote. Plaques were placed beneath the portraits of three former House speakers and a former Senate president pro tempore listing when the lawmakers left office –and when they were sentenced to prison.
Pennsylvania – Ethics Board to Consider Stricter Campaign Finance Regulations
Philadelphia Inquirer – Claudia Vargas | Published: 7/16/2014
Looking ahead to the 2015 mayoral campaign, the Philadelphia Board of Ethics met to work out a series of proposed changes to the city’s campaign finance regulations. Given the rise in independent campaign contributions and coordinated expenditures nationwide, the board’s director of enforcement, Michael Cooke, said the panel should add specific language to the existing regulations to make clear what counts as a contribution and for what purposes. A public hearing on the proposed amendments will be held on September 7.
South Carolina – South Carolina’s State Ethics Commission Restricts Media Policy
Charleston Post & Gazette – Jeremy Borden | Published: 7/16/2014
South Carolina Ethics Commission Chairperson James Burns said until the agency has an official policy for dealing with the media, all comments made to news media should come from Director Herb Hayden. Deputy Director Cathy Hazelwood has acted as the primary spokesperson for the commission, and has often been forthright on issues before the agency. Media attorney Jay Bender said the move to change the policy without a motion, discussion, or vote was against the state’s open records laws. “…If we had more people in government like Cathy Hazelwood, we’d have a better government,” said Bender.
Tennessee – Carr Gave Loan to Company of Political Supporter
The Daily Journal – Chas Sisk (The Tennessean) | Published: 7/15/2014
Tennessee Rep. Joe Carr loaned Life Watch Pharmacy $200,000 last year from his campaign fund. The company is led by conservative fundraiser Andrew Miller, who gave Carr $2,600 for his primary and general election campaigns. Miller also has been the largest donor to the Real Conservatives National Committee, giving $22,500 to the super PAC. Carr has been waging a tea party battle to defeat U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander.
Utah – Former Utah Attorneys General John Swallow, Mark Shurtleff Arrested
Deseret News – Pat Reavy and Dennis Romboy | Published: 7/15/2014
Former Utah Attorneys General John Swallow and Mark Shurtleff were arrested and now face multiple felony counts, including accepting bribes and destroying evidence. The two are accused of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts and campaign contributions from individuals facing legal action in return for favorable treatment from the attorney general’s office.
Wisconsin – After Subpoenas in Walker Criminal Probe, WI GOP Sought to Quietly Change Law
Center for Media and Democracy – Brendan Fischer | Published: 7/15/2014
New documents indicate that weeks after the first subpoenas were issued in Wisconsin’s “John Doe” criminal campaign finance probe in October 2013, state Senate Republicans began working to change the law to legalize the activities under investigation. Republicans surprised many when they tried to rush Senate Bill 654 through the Legislature to explicitly carve-out an exception to the state’s campaign finance statutes for issue ads, the election messages that stop short of telling viewers to vote for or against a candidate.
State and Federal Communications produces a weekly summary of national news, offering more than 80 articles per week focused on ethics, lobbying, and campaign finance.
News You Can Use is a news service provided at no charge only to clients of our online Executive Source Guides, or ALERTS™ consulting clients.
July 17, 2014 •
Thursday News Roundup
Lobbying “Who Has Time for Legislating Anyway? | K Street Files” by Kate Ackley in Roll Call. “K Street eyes spending bills to stop Obama” by Megan R. Wilson and Tim Devaney in The Hill. Kentucky: “U.S. Rep. Ed Whitfield […]
“Who Has Time for Legislating Anyway? | K Street Files” by Kate Ackley in Roll Call.
“K Street eyes spending bills to stop Obama” by Megan R. Wilson and Tim Devaney in The Hill.
Kentucky: “U.S. Rep. Ed Whitfield of Kentucky Had Decade-Long Financial Tie To a Lobbyist” on WKMS.
Campaign Finance
“Data Delayed Is Democracy Denied” op-ed by Robert Biersack in The New York Times.
“Big Checks Strengthen Super PACs” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.
“The massive difference in how Democrats and Republicans raise money” by Philip Bump in The Washington Post.
“Senate hopeful’s donations raise questions on source” by Todd Spangler (Detroit Free Press) in USA Today.
“The Easiest Fix for Dark Money: Disclose Less Often” by Lindsay Mark Lewis in The Atlantic.
California: “Gov. Brown allows advisory ballot measure on Citizens United decision” by Patrick McGreevy in the Los Angeles Times.
Kentucky: “Fake KY senate candidate draws attention campaign finance reform” by Lawrence Smith on WDRB.
Missouri: “We Asked Five Questions About Campaign Finance Reports. Here Are The Answers” by Jason Rosenbaum on St. Louis Public Radio.
New Jersey: “Princeton moves to restrict campaign donors” by Nicole Mulvaney in Times of Trenton.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: “Ethics Board to consider stricter campaign finance regulations” by Claudia Vargas in The Inquirer.
“Bill proposes ethics classes for Congress” by Al Kamen and Colby Itkowitz in The Washington Post.
“Florida Will Wait Til After November to Redraw Redistricting Map” by Mary Ellen Klas in Governing.
July 16, 2014 •
Wednesday Government Relations News
Lobbying “Lobbying World” by Megan Ruyle in The Hill. “Big-game hunting on K St.” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill. Massachusetts: “Casino Interests Have Spent Over $16.5m on Lobbyists Since 2007” by Sara Morrison in the Boston Globe. Missouri: […]
“Lobbying World” by Megan Ruyle in The Hill.
“Big-game hunting on K St.” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.
Massachusetts: “Casino Interests Have Spent Over $16.5m on Lobbyists Since 2007” by Sara Morrison in the Boston Globe.
Missouri: “Does your legislator accept lobbyist gifts?” by Walter Moskop in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
New York: “Lobbying Group Adopts de Blasio’s Agenda” by Kate Taylor in The New York Times.
Campaign Finance
“Republican Governors Association Raises $24 Million” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.
“Democratic Governors Association Raises $13.8 Million” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.
“Party Polarization and Campaign Finance” by Thomas E. Mann and Anthony Corrado in the Brookings Institution.
California: “O.C. Voters to Decide if They Want State to Prosecute Violations of Local Campaign Finance Laws” by Penny Arévalo in the Patch.
“Chairman: Ethics Committee Can Only ‘Offer Up Advice’” by Matt Fuller in Roll Call.
South Carolina: “SC Ethics Commission to discuss talking to the press” by Jamie Self in The State.
Utah: “Does Utah Have a Bribery Problem?” by Matt Pearce (McClatchy News) in Governing.
State Legislatures
Missouri: “Gov. Jay Nixon vetoes record number of bills” by Alex Stuckey in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Florida: “Florida Lawmakers Won’t Challenge Redistricting Ruling” by Andrew Harris and Christine Sexton in Bloomberg.
Florida: “Legislature agrees to redraw invalid congressional districts — for 2016” by Mary Ellen Klas in the Miami Herald.
Government Tech and Social Media
New York: “In Brooklyn, Testing a Texting Platform That Connects Locals, Representatives & Community Leaders” by Jessica McKenzie in TechPresident.
Pennsylvania: “Pennsylvania Launching Giant Cloud” in Government Technology.
July 15, 2014 •
San Francisco, California Ethics Commission Provides Summary of Lobbying Changes
The Ethics Commission has produced a summary of changes to the city lobbyist ordinance taking effect July 26, 2014. Ordinance File No. 130374 expands the definition of “lobbyist” and requires random audits of lobbying reports. Meeting the registration threshold of […]
The Ethics Commission has produced a summary of changes to the city lobbyist ordinance taking effect July 26, 2014. Ordinance File No. 130374 expands the definition of “lobbyist” and requires random audits of lobbying reports.
Meeting the registration threshold of a lobbyist will now depend on the number of compensated contacts with a covered official rather than the level of compensation received. The lobbying exemption for contractors and their attorneys will be limited to in-house officers and employees. Outside consultants communicating with public officials regarding contract bidding and negotiating will be subject to the registration and reporting requirements of lobbying.
The commission’s summary is available here.
July 15, 2014 •
Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update
Lobbying “Accepting Resumes! AGRP Executive Director Position” from the Association of Government Relations Professionals Blog. “Bottom Line” in The Hill. Rhode Island: “GOP Candidates Wants Tougher Lobbying and Ethics Law in RI” by Mark Curtis on WLNE TV News. Virginia: […]
“Accepting Resumes! AGRP Executive Director Position” from the Association of Government Relations Professionals Blog.
“Bottom Line” in The Hill.
Rhode Island: “GOP Candidates Wants Tougher Lobbying and Ethics Law in RI” by Mark Curtis on WLNE TV News.
Virginia: “Va. hospital group spends $400,000 on lobbying” by Alan Suderman (Associated Press) on WTOP.
Campaign Finance
“House Democrats to unveil campaign finance amendment” by Lauren French in Politico.
“How to Raise $5 Million Online For Campaign Finance Reform: Why MayDay PAC Succeeded” by Ben Winkler in TechPresident.
“DeMint rakes in Heritage cash” by Alexander Bolton in The Hill.
New York: “Rolling updates: NYC Campaign Finance Board filings” by Celeste Katz on NY Daily News.
Ohio: “Ben Suarez asks federal judge to throw out obstruction of justice conviction or grant new trial” by James F. McCarty in The Plain Dealer.
South Carolina: “House Speaker Harrell uses campaign funds to pay Charleston attorneys” by Jeremy Borden in The Post and Courier.
“Partisan Activities of Lerner Co-Worker at FEC” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.
North Carolina: “NC voters see runoff primaries in 37 counties” by The Associated Press on WSOC TV.
“Interactive: Understanding congressional redistricting” by The Associated Press in the Wisconsin State Journal.
New Jersey: “Top Assembly Republican wants redistricting do-over” by Matt Friedman in The Star Ledger.
Texas: “Texas accused of purposely excluding minorities in redistricting” by Will Weissert (Associated Press) in The Dallas Morning News.
Texas: “The Source: Texas Redistricting Back In San Antonio Federal Court” by Paul Flahive on Texas Public Radio.
July 14, 2014 •
Monday News Roundup
Lobbying Canada: “Foreign lobbying transparency bill another attack on environmental groups: critics” by Mark Burgess in The Hill Times. Iowa: “Lobbyists of All Kinds Flock to Farm Bill” by Peggy Lowe on Iowa Public Radio. Kansas: “Hearing held on 38 […]
Canada: “Foreign lobbying transparency bill another attack on environmental groups: critics” by Mark Burgess in The Hill Times.
Iowa: “Lobbyists of All Kinds Flock to Farm Bill” by Peggy Lowe on Iowa Public Radio.
Kansas: “Hearing held on 38 Studios lobbying questions” by The Associated Press in The Wichita Eagle.
Campaign Finance
“Lawrence Lessig’s Public Q&A on How His $12 million Super PAC Will Fix Campaign Finance” by Rebecca Chao in TechPresident.
California: “San Diego Ethics Commission Votes To Rein In Independent Committees” by Joe Yerardi in KPBS.
Connecticut: “Banned Donors Skirt Law Designed To Prevent Pay-To-Play” by Dave Altimari and Matthew Kauffman in the Hartford Courant.
Maine: “Analysis: One candidate’s unfair campaign finance law is another’s protection” by Mario Moretto in the Maine Daily Journal.
Maryland: “Excuses abound for Md. campaign report failings” by The Associated Press in The Washington Post.
Massachusetts: “Union fights to strip reporting provision from campaign finance reform bill” by Frank Phillips in The Boston Globe.
Missouri: “Money, Money, Money: Five Things To Look For In Tuesday’s Campaign Finance Reports” by Jason Rosenbaum on KBIA.
Indiana: “Bennett accepts $5,000 fine in ethics settlement” by Tom LoBianco (Associated Press) in the Naples Daily News.
Nevada: “What a difference a word could make” by Steve Sebelius in the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Pennsylvania: “Pa. lawmakers left town with plenty of unfinished business” by Andrew Staub in the Daily Local News.
Florida: “House Democrats Have Mixed Reaction to Florida Redistricting Ruling” by Abby Livingston in Roll Call.
July 14, 2014 •
Kentucky Changes to Lobbying Gift Law Take Effect
New restrictions on legislative lobbying expenditures take effect Monday, July 14, 2014. House Bill 28 includes a “no cup of coffee rule” to eliminate the gift exception allowing legislative lobbyists to spend $100 on food and beverage for a legislator. […]
New restrictions on legislative lobbying expenditures take effect Monday, July 14, 2014. House Bill 28 includes a “no cup of coffee rule” to eliminate the gift exception allowing legislative lobbyists to spend $100 on food and beverage for a legislator.
Legislative lobbyists and their employers are now also prohibited from providing out-of-state transportation or lodging for legislators.
Employers of legislative lobbyists are prohibited from making campaign contributions during a regular legislative session and required to disclose the cost of advertising supporting or opposing legislation.
July 11, 2014 •
News You Can Use Digest – July 11, 2014
National: Eschewing Lobbyists, States Advocate for Themselves USA Today – Elaine Povich (Pew Center on the States) | Published: 7/10/2014 The 2011 ban on earmarks – the inclusion of money for specific local projects in broader bills – has prompted […]
Eschewing Lobbyists, States Advocate for Themselves
USA Today – Elaine Povich (Pew Center on the States) | Published: 7/10/2014
The 2011 ban on earmarks – the inclusion of money for specific local projects in broader bills – has prompted a shift away from states paying Washington, D.C.-based lobbyists to advocate for them. Now, more state lawmakers and other officials are combining forces to advocate for themselves. K Street lobbyists were specialists in getting earmarks because of their personal connections to federal lawmakers. The state coalitions are making broader arguments for funds that benefit more than one individual project.
Sen. Robert Menendez Seeks Probe of Alleged Cuban Plot to Smear Him
Washington Post – Carol Leonnig and Manuel Roig-Franzia | Published: 7/7/2014
With a public corruption investigation hanging over him, U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez suggested Cuban spies had planted the seeds of that inquiry as a way to discredit him and mute his strident opposition to the government in Havana. His comments followed media stories that said a 2013 CIA report had cited credible evidence linking Cuban agents to a campaign to smear Menendez. The FBI is investigating whether Menendez received free airplane rides and other perks from a wealthy donor and repaid him with political favors. Even if Menendez’s Cuba theory is correct, it is unlikely to derail the probe.
From the States and Municipalities:
California – Support Wanes in Sacramento for Tough Ethics Reform following Scandal
San Jose Mercury News – Jessica Califati | Published: 7/5/2014
Since voting to suspend Leland Yee and two other state senators indicted in recent months, California lawmakers have held a “day of reflection” and considered more than a dozen new pieces of ethics reform legislation. But while support for bills requiring more disclosure of gifts and contributions remains strong, interest in tougher proposals that would restrict politicians’ fundraising and access to free trips has waned significantly in the last few months. “You can’t be against an ethics bill the day after the scandal, but it’s no longer the day after the scandal,” said Jessica Levinson, a professor who specializes in campaign finance law.
Florida – Miami Lakes’ Muzzled Mayor Misses ‘My People’ as Trial Is Set to Begin
Miami Herald – Jay Weaver | Published: 7/7/2014
Michael Pizzi, the suspended mayor of Miami Lakes, is facing a trial in federal court on corruption charges. He is charged with conspiracy and extortion offenses for allegedly accepting $6,750 in mostly cash bribes during an FBI sting operation. Pizzi, a Brooklyn native, sees himself as the character Carmine Polito in the Oscar-nominated movie American Hustle – an over-the-top tale of the FBI’s undercover takedown of a fictional blue-collar New Jersey mayor who lived for his constituents.
Florida – Sternad, Saying He Was Duped, Gets 7 Months
Miami Herald – Jay Weaver | Published: 7/10/2014
A judge sentenced a failed South Florida congressional candidate to seven months in prison for campaign finance violations in a case linked to former U.S. Rep. David Rivera. Justin Sternad pleaded guilty last year to campaign finance violations, including accepting illegal contributions and filing false reports. The case involves allegations that Rivera, a Republican, secretly financed Sternad’s campaign to weaken Democratic rival Joe Garcia. Rivera has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, although close Rivera associate Ana Alliegro is also charged in the case. Rivera is again running for the House seat against Garcia after losing to him in 2012.
Hawaii – Ethics Commission Investigates Golf Perks
Hawaii News Now – Rick Daysog | Published: 7/9/2014
The Hawaii Ethics Commission is winding down its year-old investigation targeting number of employees at the University of Hawaii (UH) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) for receiving thousands of dollars in free golf outings provided by government contractors. Recent filings with the commission by DOT and UH employees indicates just how widespread the practice is. “For a lot of these firms, it’s simply the cost of doing business and this has got to stop because it makes people trust their government less,” said UH political science professor Colin Moore.
Iowa – Koch Brothers Group Targets Iowa Politics
USA Today – Jennifer Jacobs (Des Moines Register) | Published: 7/6/2014
Americans for Prosperity, the conservative political advocacy organization backed by Charles and David Koch, is building an operation in Iowa –– the site of the first presidential primary – that is intended to sway voting in the state for years to come. Using methodical canvassing, Americans for Prosperity-Iowa seeks to identify voters who are sympathetic to its message. Its database is to include an individual’s political orientation, likelihood to vote, and serve as a roster of probable swing voters.
Louisiana – C. Ray Nagin, Former New Orleans Mayor, Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison
Los Angeles Times – David Zucchino | Published: 7/9/2014
Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for his participation in a $500,000 bribery scheme that operated during most of his time in office. Many of the kickbacks took place after Hurricane Katrina, when contractors crowded into the city for rebuilding work. The sentence was less than the recommended 15 years, but U.S. District Court Judge Ginger Berrigan said the evidence failed to show Nagin had organized or had been a leader of a conspiracy. Prosecutors objected to the sentence, a move that could set up an appeal.
Maine – Cutler Supporters’ Lawsuit Challenges Constitutionality of Maine Donation Limits
The Sun Journal – Christopher Cousins (Bangor Daily News) | Published: 7/8/2014
Four supporters of independent gubernatorial candidate Eliot Cutler filed a lawsuit against Maine’s ethics commission for not being allowed to contribute as much to Cutler as they could to a party candidate. State law allows party candidates to accept $1,500 donations from individuals for both the June primary and the general election, even if those candidates do not face primary challengers. As an independent, Cutler can collect no more than $1,500 per donor. The lawsuit says that law should be struck down as unconstitutional.
Massachusetts – Robert DeLeo in Glare at Probation Hiring Trial
Boston Globe – Milton Valencia and Michael Levenson | Published: 7/10/2014
Massachusetts House Speaker Robert DeLeo strongly denied assertions by prosecutors at the federal trial of the state’s former probation department commissioner that DeLeo traded jobs for votes or deliberately spared the agency from budget cuts. Prosecutors said in a court filing that such an arrangement had existed between DeLeo and former probation commissioner John O’Brien, who is being tried along with two deputies for allegedly rigging the agency’s hiring process to favor applicants referred by powerful lawmakers, in exchange for favorable legislative action on the budget or other matters.
Missouri – Ex-Missouri House Speaker’s Campaign Fund Still Yielding Benefits Two Years Later
St. Louis Post-Dispatch – Kevin McDermott | Published: 7/6/2014
It is not unusual for former Missouri lawmakers to jump immediately into lobbying their former colleagues with no waiting period. What is unusual is for ex-legislators to keep their campaign funds open and use it in ways that appear to promote their lobbying activities, such as with former House Speaker Steve Tilley. A St. Louis Post-Dispatch review found no other current lawmaker-turned-lobbyist operating under circumstances like the ones surrounding Tilley. That makes some reformers wonder if he is setting a dangerous new precedent that others might follow.
Ohio – Cleveland to Host 2016 GOP Convention
Politico – Katie Glueck and Maggie Haberman | Published: 7/8/2014
In choosing Cleveland as the site of the 2016 Republican National Convention, party organizers opted for a Democratic enclave in the pivotal battleground state of Ohio over the wealthier and more conservative Dallas area. The announcement is a coup for Cleveland as it seeks to update its image from an economically struggling Rust Belt city to a thriving metropolis with a revitalized downtown. The decision to go with Ohio was anticipated by many Republican operatives and donors. “We’re going where the swing voters are,” said GOP strategist Mike Murphy.
Pennsylvania – Interest Groups’ Lobbying Tally Tops $500M in Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review – Melissa Daniels | Published: 7/4/2014
In 2013, lobbyists spent $518 million on costs related to influencing Pennsylvania lawmakers. It is the first time the spending exceeded the $500 million mark. Gabrielle Sedor, president of the Pennsylvania Association for Government Relations, said the increase in spending is likely is because of rising costs overall, such as salaries and travel costs. She said lobbyists try to provide expertise and research about industry trends, and to keep tabs on statehouse activity. “To be a lobbyist and have a good relationship, you have to be honest and ethical and be a source of information, a reliable resource above anything else,” said Sedor.
Rhode Island – R.I. Lobbyist Rickman Discloses He Loaned $10,000 in 2009 to Ex-House Leader Fox
Providence Journal – Katherine Gregg | Published: 7/8/2014
A lobbyist who failed to disclose he loaned money to former Rhode Island House Speaker Gordon Fox has now said the loan was for $10,000. Ray Rickman and Fox had both neglected to report the loan from August 2009 in required filings. State Ethics Commission attorney Jason Gramitt said nothing in the law bans a lobbyist from giving a public official a loan, but the loan would create a ‘business relationship” which in all cases, except those involving legislators, would create a clear conflict-of-interest if that official took any action that financially benefited that business associate.
South Carolina – SC Supreme Court: Harrell probe can continue
The State – Jamie Self | Published: 7/9/2014
The South Carolina Supreme Court ruled the state’s top prosecutor has the authority to investigate House Speaker Bobby Harrell over allegations the lawmaker abused his power for personal benefit. The justices said Attorney General Alan Wilson is fully empowered to probe wrongdoing wherever it may occur, and his powers are not blunted because the investigation involves a lawmaker’s ethical conduct. The ruling overturned a lower court’s decision to halt Wilson’s investigation.
State and Federal Communications produces a weekly summary of national news, offering more than 80 articles per week focused on ethics, lobbying, and campaign finance.
News You Can Use is a news service provided at no charge only to clients of our online Executive Source Guides, or ALERTS™ consulting clients.
July 10, 2014 •
Thursday News Roundup
Lobbying “Under Contract” in The Hill. “13 K Streeters cross the street” by Byron Tau in Politico. “Bitcoin gaining currency on K Street” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill. Louisiana: “Louisiana business association reviews legislative session: Four things you […]
“Under Contract” in The Hill.
“13 K Streeters cross the street” by Byron Tau in Politico.
“Bitcoin gaining currency on K Street” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.
Louisiana: “Louisiana business association reviews legislative session: Four things you need to know” by Julia O’Donoghue in The Times-Picayune.
Campaign Finance
“Lawrence Lessig on His Super PAC to End Super PACs” by Denver Nicks in TIME.
“Chamber of Commerce Spends $780K for Kingston” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.
North Carolina: “Political action committees have big impact on campaigns” by Susan Ladd in the News & Record.
Hawaii: “New Chair Will Steer Hawaii Ethics Commission Through Disclosure Law” by Nathan Eagle in the Honolulu Civil Beat.
Louisiana: “New Orleans Ex-Mayor Ray Nagin Sentenced to 10 Years” by Cameron McWhirter in The Wall Street Journal.
“Capitol partially closed due to spill” by Mario Trujillo in The Hill.
Government Tech and Social Media
West Virginia: “W. Va. Proceeds With Massive Computer Overhaul, Employees Struggle With the Switchover” in Government Technology.
July 9, 2014 •
Wednesday Government Relations News
Lobbying “Lobbying World” in The Hill. “Bono’s One Action Ramps Up Lobbying” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call. Rhode Island: “R.I. lobbyist Rickman discloses he loaned $10,000 in 2009 to ex-House leader Fox” by Katherine Gregg in the Providence Journal. […]
“Lobbying World” in The Hill.
“Bono’s One Action Ramps Up Lobbying” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.
Rhode Island: “R.I. lobbyist Rickman discloses he loaned $10,000 in 2009 to ex-House leader Fox” by Katherine Gregg in the Providence Journal.
“Bitcoin Foundation Hires Lobbying Firm” by Ryan Tracy in The Wall Street Journal.
Campaign Finance
Maryland: “Republican Larry Hogan to use public funds in fall campaign for governor of Maryland” by John Wagner in The Washington Post.
“Did House Travel Disclosure Rules Change? | A Question of Ethics” by C. Simon Davidson in Politico.
Indiana: “Amid ethics probe, top INDOT official seeks job with firm whose contracts he OK’d” by Tony Cook and Ryan Sabalow in The Indianapolis Star.
Missouri: “It’s back: Streetcar ethics complaint refiled” by Austin Alonzo in the Kansas City Business Journal.
Government Tech and Social Media
“Riverside, Calif., Launches Transparency and Engagement Portal, Rethinks Procurement” by Colin Wood in Government Technology.
July 9, 2014 •
Hawaii Lobbyists to Report Expenditures within 30 Days of Special Session
Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed Senate Bill 2629 on Monday, July 7, amending Section 97-3 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes. Effective immediately, registered lobbyists, lobbyist employers, and certain individuals are required to file statements of expenditures with the state ethics commission […]
Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed Senate Bill 2629 on Monday, July 7, amending Section 97-3 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes. Effective immediately, registered lobbyists, lobbyist employers, and certain individuals are required to file statements of expenditures with the state ethics commission within 30 days of adjournment sine die of any special session of the Legislature.
Individuals who are not lobbyists or lobbyist employers must only file if spending $750 or more in any six month period for the purpose of influencing legislative or administrative action, or a ballot issue, by communicating with public officials or engaging in grassroots activity.
The report must cover the period from May 1 through adjournment sine die of the special session and applies to and includes only those expenditures and contributions relating to legislative action considered during said special session.
The special report is an addition to, but does not take the place of, all other reporting requirements.
July 8, 2014 •
Tuesday Lobbying and Campaign Finance News Update
Lobbying “Bottom Line” in The Hill. “A driving force for truckers” by Keith Laing in The Hill. “Squire Patton Boggs bolsters presence in Japan” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill. “Politico Influence: Squire Patton Boggs announces leadership structure” by […]
“Bottom Line” in The Hill.
“A driving force for truckers” by Keith Laing in The Hill.
“Squire Patton Boggs bolsters presence in Japan” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.
“Politico Influence: Squire Patton Boggs announces leadership structure” by Byron Tau in Politico.
“Export-Import Bank supporters aim for show of strength in Senate” by Kevin Cirilli and Vicki Needham in The Hill.
Florida: “Tallahassee’s next lobbying gold rush: cannabis” in The Miami Herald.
New York: “NYPIRG: Casino lobbying, spending hits $11 million” by James M. Odato in the Times Union.
Pennsylvania: “Ethics Commission fines lobbyists for failure to file expense reports” by Megan Henney in the Tribune-Review.
Campaign Finance
Arizona: “AG Horne sues to block Clean Elections investigation” by Yvonne Wingett Sanchez in The Republic.
Vermont: “Court backs Vt. campaign finance rules” by Terri Hallenbeck in the Burlington Free Press.
“Without ethics enforcement, it’s open season in Washington” by Melanie Sloan in The Hill.
Colorado: “Colorado ethics panel signals support for Gessler GOP seminar trip” by Joey Bunch in The Denver Post.
Indiana: “State ethics watchdog plans to leave office” by Tony Cook in The Indianapolis Star.
Missouri: “Can a candidate raffle off a hot tub? Run bingo?” by Jonathan Shorman in the Springfield News-Leader.
“The Roll Call Congressional Baseball Game in 3 Minutes (Video)” by JM Rieger in Roll Call.
Government Tech and Social Media
“Why Facebook’s ‘Voter Megaphone’ Is the Real Manipulation to Worry About” by Micah L. Sifry in TechPresident.
July 7, 2014 •
Monday News Roundup
Lobbying “New Bill Relative To Lobbyists and Candidates” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call. “Wall Street braces for gavel hand-off” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill. “Silicon Valley pins hopes on Obama for immigration win” by Julian Hattem in […]
“New Bill Relative To Lobbyists and Candidates” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.
“Wall Street braces for gavel hand-off” by Megan R. Wilson in The Hill.
“Silicon Valley pins hopes on Obama for immigration win” by Julian Hattem in The Hill.
“Former Lobbyist Jack Abramoff On Congressional Travel Disclosure” in the Daily Beast.
California: “Who pays the most for California government lobbying in Sacramento? Government” by Ben Baeder in the Los Angeles Daily News.
New York: “Binghamton University ranks second among SUNY schools in spending on lobbying” by Steve Reilly in the Press & Sun-Bulletin.
Pennsylvania: “Interest groups’ lobbying tally tops $500M in Pennsylvania” by Melissa Daniels in the Tribune-Review.
Rhode Island: “Schilling summoned to testify on his alleged lobbying for 38 Studios” by Katherine Gregg in the Providence Journal.
Vermont: “Revolving door: Ramos shifts from senate to lobbying job” by Anne Galloway in VTDigger.
Campaign Finance
“FEC Provides Reminder and Resources for Upcoming Deadline” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call.
“Hobby Lobby Ruling Fuels Amendment Push” by Eliza Newlin Carney in Roll Call.
“Law prof’s super PAC reaches fundraising goal; aim is new campaign-finance system” by Debra Cassens Weiss in ABA Journal.
Arizona: “Most AZ legislative candidates decline public funds” by Becky Pallack in the Arizona Daily Star.
California: “Activists for tougher campaign finance laws arrested at Capitol” by Patrick McGreevy in the Los Angeles Times.
Connecticut: “Despite limits, money finds its way to campaigns” by Ken Dixon in Greenwich Time.
Massachusetts: “House quietly approved amendment to help state GOP” by Frank Phillips in The Boston Globe.
New Hampshire: “‘NH Rebellion’ walks for campaign finance overhaul” by The Associated Press in the San Francisco Chronicle.
“Ethics Chairman Says Panel Will Reverse Decision on Travel Disclosures” by Matt Fuller in Roll Call.
California: “Support wanes in Sacramento for tough ethics reform following scandal” by Jessica Calefati in the San Jose Mercury News.
“2014 Senate rankings: Map favors GOP” by James Hohmann in Politico.
State Legislatures
“Where are women winning? In state legislatures.” by Aaron Blake in The Washington Post.
Government Tech and Social Media
Pennsylvania: “Philadelphia Hires New Chief Data Officer” in Government Technology.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.