lobbying Archives - Page 149 of 273 - State and Federal Communications

Lobbying “Trump Insiders Head for Big K Street Paydays” by Isaac Arnsdorf and Kenneth Vogel for Politico Indiana: “Tighter Rules Still Not Strict Enough for Some Lawmakers” by Maureen Hayden for Batesville Herald-Tribune Massachusetts: “City Hall Promised Lobbying Reform. Nothing […]

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Lobbying “Trump’s Twitter Feed Traumatizes Washington” by Eli Stoklos and Josh Dawsey for Politico Florida: “Taxpayers Will Keep Paying for Lobbyists in Tallahassee, Despite House Speaker, Who Calls It a ‘Disgrace’” by Steve Bousquet and Michael Auslen for Tampa Bay […]

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See what’s happening in government relations this week in our News You Can Use Video Digest. Enjoy!  

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National: One Person, One Algorithm, One Vote: Campaigns are doing more with data, for better or worse Capital Times – Katelyn Farrell | Published: 1/3/2017 After an election where political campaigns were blamed or credited for relying on voter data to an unprecedented […]

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Denver City Council approved a bill this week amending the city’s lobbying ordinance. Council Bill No. CB16-0920 narrows the definition of lobbying and changes registration and reporting requirements. Lobbying no longer includes appearances to give public testimony at council hearings […]

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Sen. Mike Delph introduced a bill prohibiting Indiana legislators from accepting gifts from lobbyists. The gift ban would include any property with value, including sporting event tickets and anything classified as entertainment. Along with the gift ban, the bill would […]

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Lobbying Florida: “Ron Book Is Big Winner in Local Government Lobbying Contracts” by Steve Bousquet for Miami Herald Indiana: “State Senator Introduces Ethics Bill to Ban All Gifts from Lobbyists” by Bob Segall for WTHR Campaign Finance “Rep. Duncan Hunter’s […]

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January 4, 2017  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying Maryland: “Interim City Solicitor Pays Rent to Powerful Lobbyist’s Firm” by Doug Donovan for Baltimore Sun Nevada: “Nevada High School Students Learn the Legislative Ropes and Pass Real Laws” by Sandra Chereb for Las Vegas Review-Journal Campaign Finance California: […]

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January 3, 2017  •  

Reno Lobbying Law Takes Effect

A new lobbying law took effect on January 1, 2017, requiring lobbyists to register with the city clerk, to inform the city of their clients, and to wear lobbyist badges when in City Hall. The ordinance also includes civil and […]

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On January 1, the Rhode Island Lobbying Reform Act took effect. The Act repeals the lobbying laws in Title 22 and Title 42 in the state’s statutes and enacts a new consolidated code section covering both the legislative and executive […]

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January 3, 2017  •  

Tuesday Government Relations News

Campaign Finance Missouri: “Missouri Campaign Contribution Limits Remain in Place After Latest Hearing” by Kurt Erickson for St. Louis Post-Dispatch New York: “Why Developers of Manhattan Luxury Towers Give Millions to Upstate Candidates” by Cezary Podkul and Derek Kravitz (ProPublica), […]

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Today, Governor-elect Roy Cooper filed a legal challenge against Senate Bill 4. Wake County Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens agreed to block the law from taking effect while the lawsuit is pending. Senate Bill 4 would have taken effect January […]

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This month, the Texas Ethics Commission adopted a new rule adjusting the compensation and reimbursement threshold for lobbyists. The new rule eliminates an exception not requiring a person to register as a lobbyist if he or she lobbied no more […]

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December 30, 2016  •  

News You Can Use Digest – December 30, 2016

National: When One Party Has the Governor’s Mansion and the Other Has the Statehouse New York Times – Trip Gabriel | Published: 12/26/2016 Governors outgunned by veto-proof majorities in their Legislatures have successfully used the bully pulpit of their office, going over the […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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