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The New York Joint Commission on Public Ethics has launched a new lobbyist reporting system. The Organization Profile section has gone live. All Organization Profiles from the previous system have been transferred to the new lobbying application and require an […]

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November 19, 2018  •  

Monday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance National: “These Democrats Swore Off PACs. But Corporate Lobbyists Have a Plan” by Kate Ackley for Roll Call National: “GOP Megadonor Miriam Adelson Is Winning a Medal. But Are Republicans Losing the Political Money War?” by Carrie Levine […]

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The city council of San Diego voted unanimously to introduce an ordinance providing tighter restrictions on the handling of confidential documents by council members. Following a breach and subsequent criminal probe for information provided to investors by a council member […]

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Act A22-0442, which included the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Amendment Act of 2018, passed congressional review. The Act expands the scope of procurement lobbying in the District of Columbia to include action by an executive agency or official […]

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      Federal: Banner Year for Female Candidates Doesn’t Extend to Republican Women MSN – Susan Chira (New York Times) | Published: 11/15/2018 The number of Republican women in Congress next year will drop, even as the ranks of Democratic women swell […]

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November 15, 2018  •  

Thursday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance Arizona: “Arizona Utility Regulators Ask Judge to Bar Colleague’s Investigation of Them” by Howard Fischer (Capitol Media Services) for Arizona Daily Star Michigan: “Bill Could Provide a Potential $92K Windfall for 2 Michigan Senators” by Paul Egan for […]

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November 12, 2018  •  

Monday’s LobbyComply News Roundup

Campaign Finance National: Corporate PACs Try to Rebuild Their Reputations After Midterms by Lorraine Woellert for Politico Elections National: In ‘Rainbow Wave,’ LGBT Candidates Are Elected in Record Numbers by Christina Caron (New York Times) for WRAL North Carolina: Details […]

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      National: Forget the Russians. On This Election Day, It’s Americans Peddling Disinformation and Hate Speech. Washington Post – Craig Timberg and Tony Romm | Published: 11/6/2018 Even as Silicon Valley has become more aggressive in battling foreign efforts to influence […]

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City of San Diego voters approved Measure L to limit lobbying and campaign activities of elected city officers. The measure increases the restriction on lobbying by former city officials from one to two years. The measure also eliminates the city […]

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Voters in Phoenix overwhelmingly passed Proposition 419, an amendment to the Charter of the City of Phoenix requiring any person, association of persons or entity making expenditures to influence the result of a city election to disclose and identify expenditures […]

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North Carolina voters defeated a constitutional amendment to establish an eight-member Bipartisan Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement. In defeating the amendment, voters validated a previous North Carolina Supreme Court ruling that struck down a 2017 law establishing the eight-member […]

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North Dakota Voters passed a constitutional measure to establish an ethics commission. Initiated Constitutional Measure 1 addresses the transparency of funding sources, lobbyists, conflicts of interests, and the establishment of an ethics commission. The measure further restricts lobbyists ability to […]

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November 7, 2018  •  

Florida Passes Revolving Door Ban

Voters approved Amendment 12, titled Lobbying and Abuse of Office by Public Officers. The amendment expands restrictions on lobbying for compensation by former public officers, former justices, and judges. Effective December 31, 2022 the measure bans state and local officials […]

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Nearly 62 percent of Missourians voted in favor of Amendment 1, placing tighter restrictions on lobbying and campaign contributions. Amendment 1 will prohibit former state legislators and Missouri General Assembly members from becoming paid lobbyists for a period of two […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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