lobbying threshold Archives - State and Federal Communications

The Texas Ethics Commission posted the 2022 lobbying registration thresholds, which increase every year in January to reflect the change in the consumer price index. The thresholds for individual lobbyist compensation and reimbursement increased from $1,620 to $1,640. Expenditures increased […]

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On March 7, a bill to amend Saskatchewan’s lobbying law was introduced in the Legislative Assembly. Bill No. 615, An Act to amend The Lobbyist Act, would remove the current 100-hour annual threshold required to trigger registration for in-house lobbyists. […]

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Hawaii legislators are currently considering legislation aimed at closing an existing loophole in lobbyist registration and reporting rules. Currently, a lobbyist is one who spends more than five hours in a month or $750 in a reporting period attempting to […]

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This month, the Texas Ethics Commission adopted a new rule adjusting the compensation and reimbursement threshold for lobbyists. The new rule eliminates an exception not requiring a person to register as a lobbyist if he or she lobbied no more […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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