Saskatchewan Archives - State and Federal Communications

The threshold for being required to register as an in-house lobbyist will soon be lower. Bill 195, The Lobbyists Amendment Act, 2019, which received Royal Assent this summer, will come into force once the order of the Lieutenant Governor in […]

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The Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan was adjourned at the end of its sitting on March 18 because of the coronavirus pandemic. A motion by Government House Leader Jeremy Harrison to recess the session, which was agreed to by all the […]

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On March 7, a bill to amend Saskatchewan’s lobbying law was introduced in the Legislative Assembly. Bill No. 615, An Act to amend The Lobbyist Act, would remove the current 100-hour annual threshold required to trigger registration for in-house lobbyists. […]

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On August 28, Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) Bill Boyd resigned from the Saskatchewan Party Caucus, even though Boyd previously announced his resignation from the Legislative Assembly will be on Friday, September 1. Boyd resigned at the request of […]

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On August 11, Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall called a special election to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) Jennifer Campeau. MLA Campeau resigned in June from the Legislative Assembly to work for […]

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In a video posted on YouTube, Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall announced he is retiring from politics. Wall will be leaving his office once the conservative Saskatchewan party, which controls the Legislative Assembly, selects a new leader. In the video, posted […]

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Saskatchewan’s Lobbyist Act is officially effective today. Under the Act, people who are paid to lobby elected Saskatchewan government members and civil servants must register their activities. Lobbyists have 30 days to register with the new online database which launched […]

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October 17, 2014  •  

Saskatchewan By-Election Scheduled for Nov. 13

A by-election is scheduled in Saskatchewan for November 13, 2014, to elect a member of the Legislative Assembly from the Lloydminster riding. The polls in Lloydminster will be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on election day.

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April 3, 2014  •  

Saskatchewan Passes Lobbyists Act

After more than two years of debate, the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan passed a bill containing a lobbyist registration scheme. Under the new law, lobbyists, as defined therein, must register and file activity reports online. There are several notable provisions […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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