janet mills Archives - State and Federal Communications

Maine Governor Janet Mills

On March 12, Gov. Janet Mills signed into law Legislative Document 1867 clarifying lobbyist reporting and registration requirements. The bill requires lobbyists to file a separate report for expenditures totaling over $300 in a calendar month. Expenditures include those made […]

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Maine Governor Janet Mills

Maine lawmakers voted to pass Gov. Janet Mills’ proposed $105 million bond to fund transportation efforts during the one-day special legislative session on Monday, August 26. The transportation bond to upgrade roads, bridges, ports, rail and air transportation, and to […]

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Maine Capitol Building

Maine Gov. Janet Mills issued a proclamation calling for a special legislative session to be held on Monday, August 26. The session will be used to consider bond proposals in transportation; infrastructure and economic development; environmental protection; and land conservation […]

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Maine Governor Janet Mills

Maine Gov. Janet Mills has called a special session to begin on Monday, August 26. Mills hopes the Legislature will pass four bond bills totaling $163 million to raise funds for a variety of infrastructure projects. The Legislature rejected a […]

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Maine Governor Janet Mills

Gov. Janet Mills announced her plan to hold, until next legislative session, a lobbying bill that would limit the influence of lobbyists by expanding the prohibition on accepting political contributions. Current law prohibits a lobbyist, lobbyist associate or employer from […]

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Maine Capitol Building

The 129th Legislature adjourned sine die just after 6:45 a.m. on June 20 after six months in session. During the session, Gov. Janet Mills signed amendments to the Maine Clean Election Act, clarifying disclosure requirements for political communications. Legislative Document […]

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Maine Capitol Building

Gov. Janet Mills recently signed two lobbying bills and one campaign finance bill into law. Legislative Document 76 bans future lawmakers from any paid lobbying within their first year out of office beginning with the 130th Legislature. Legislative Document 825 […]

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Gov. Janet Mills and Sec. of State Matthew Dunlap announced a special election to be held on March 12 for House District 124. Rep. Aaron Frey vacated the office to serve as attorney general. House District 124 includes portions of […]

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Maine has elected state Attorney General Janet Mills as governor, making her the first woman to hold the state’s highest office. Mills is taking over for Republican Paul LePage, who is known for being combative. In addition to making racist […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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