government ethics Archives - Page 18 of 34 - State and Federal Communications

September 2, 2015  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying “Hillary Clinton Sides with Liberals on Anti-Lobbying Bill” by Sam Frizell for Time Missouri: “Ethics Commission Rules Dinner Violated Law, Issues No Fines” by Rudi Keller for Columbia Tribune Missouri: “Missouri Lawmakers Ranked by How Many Lobbyist Gifts They […]

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Q. I would like to contribute to political candidates in my state, but my company is a state vendor. Are there laws prohibiting me from making personal contributions? A. Whether an employee of a state vendor may contribute to political […]

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Lobbying “Lobbying Firm Fined for Disclosure Violations” by Dave Levinthal for Center for Public Integrity Maryland: “Maryland Receives ‘B’ Grade on Lobbying Disclosure” by Wiley Hayes for Carroll County Times North Carolina: “Influence of Lobbyists Makes Them Practically a ‘Third […]

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Federal: After Allegations That It Lobbied with Federal Money to Block Competition, Lockheed Martin Agrees to Pay Almost $5 Million Washington Post – Lisa Rein | Published: 8/24/2015 The managers of one of the nation’s premiere federal laboratories in New Mexico […]

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August 27, 2015  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Campaign Finance “Meet the Liberals Who Love Trump” by Ben Wofford for Politico New York: “State Elections Watchdog Files Lawsuit against ‘LLC Loophole’” by Chris Bragg for Albany Times Union Ethics “Prosecutors Rebuke Menendez Over Request to Dismiss His Corruption […]

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Lobbying “After Allegations That It Lobbied with Federal Money to Block Competition, Lockheed Martin Agrees to Pay Almost $5 Million” by Lisa Rein for Washington Post “Would More Lobbying Improve America?” by Kevin Hartnett for Politico Kansas: “Transparency Group: Kansas […]

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August 24, 2015  •  

Monday News Roundup

Campaign Finance “Federal Election Commission Refuses to Release Computer Security Study” by Dave Levinthal for Center for Public Integrity North Carolina: “Deeper Probe of NC Video Sweepstakes Money Sought” by Craig Jarvis and Anne Blythe for Raleigh News & Observer […]

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Federal: Facing Money Gap, Hillary Clinton Slowly Warms to ‘Super PAC’ Gifts New York Times – Amy Chozik and Eric Lichtblau | Published: 8/17/2015 Republican presidential candidates have gained a near monopoly on donors of $1 million or more: 56 donors […]

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August 20, 2015  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying California: “Lobbying Ordinance to Be Reviewed by Next Board of Supervisors” by Wes Bowers for Stockton Record Florida: “Donald Trump Gets $23,000 Refund from Miami-Dade County” by Douglas Hanks (Associated Press) for Bradenton Herald New York: “Albany Med VP […]

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August 19, 2015  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying California: “$240 Million Education Contract Illustrates State Lobbying Loopholes” by Marisa Lagos for KQED California: “Local Governments Spend Big to Influence Sacramento” by John Myers for KQED New York: “Former Top Albany Lobbying Firm in Process of Being Acquired […]

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Lobbying California: “Bill Looks to Put State Lobbying Laws on Par With Local Rules” by Guy Marzorati and Marissa Lagos for KQED Hawaii: “Maui County Plans to Post List of Lobbyists Online” by Nathan Eagle for Honolulu Civil Beat Pennsylvania: […]

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National: Corruption Accusations Paint Troubling Picture of Politics in Philadelphia Region Philadelphia Inquirer – Jonathan Tamari and Chris Palmer | Published: 8/9/2015 The recent indictments of public officials on corruption charges paint a damning picture of politics in Pennsylvania and New […]

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August 13, 2015  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Campaign Finance “First on CNN: Ted Cruz to release the names of his bundlers” by Theodore Schleifer for CNN “Jeb Bush Super PAC Donors Also Spend Big To Influence Washington” by Paul Blumenthal for Huffington Post Ohio: “State Rep. Ron […]

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August 12, 2015  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying Missouri: “MEC Dismisses Complaint against Redmon” by Travis Zimpfer for Missouri Times Ohio: “Mills Stepping Off City Council, Ballot Amid Ethics Questions” by Lucas Sullivan for Columbus Dispatch Campaign Finance “Lawrence Lessig Wants to Run for President – in […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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