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A jury verdict has ordered the state to pay Stacey Kalberman $700,000 for unfairly forcing her from office. The jury found the former director of the ethics commission was unfairly forced from office as retribution for investigating Gov. Nathan Deal’s […]

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The General Assembly adjourned sine die late Thursday, March 20, 2014. Any bills not passed by the adjournment deadline cannot become law. A pay-to-play bill to require contribution disclosure by state contractors was among the unpassed bills. Senate Bill 310 […]

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Georgia lawmakers and lobbyists are adapting new gift limits to old reporting methods while the ethics commission attempts to draft rules. House Bill 142 established the first-ever limit on lobbyist spending by capping the value of a gift a lobbyist […]

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Gov. Nathan Deal has signed into law a bill changing the assignment of the state’s ethics agency to the State Accounting Office from the Secretary of State for budgetary purposes. In addition to moving the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign […]

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Gov. Nathan Deal has signed into law a bill moving the state primary to May 20, 2014. House Bill 310 was passed to comply with a federal court order requiring at least 45 days between primary and general elections and […]

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Lawmakers passed a new 2014 election schedule, moving this year’s primaries from July 15 to May 20. The change will comply with a federal court order requiring at least 45 days between primary and general elections and subsequent runoffs to […]

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Effective January 1, 2014, new rules generally ban lobbyists from providing public officials with gifts valued at more than $75 or any tickets to games, concerts, and other recreational events. The ethics overhaul in House Bill 142 provides the state’s […]

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Gov. Nathan Deal has issued writs of election to fill vacancies in House Districts 2 and 22. The special elections will be held on January 7, 2014, without party primaries. Runoff elections, if needed, will be held on Tuesday, February […]

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Following the November 13, 2013 meeting, the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission issued an order to deny lobbyist renewal for the calendar year of 2014 for each lobbyist with outstanding registration, supplemental registration, identification card, and/or badge fees. […]

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Three house and one senate seat to be filled

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Unanimous vote comes shortly before adjournment

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Both chambers now seeking compromise on House Bill 142

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Georgia and Missouri

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Senate may consider House Bill 142 with additional limits on lobbyist gifts.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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