Ethics Archives - Page 218 of 239 - State and Federal Communications

February 12, 2014  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying “Lobbying World” in The Hill. “ʹSoft lobbyingʹ war between sugar, corn syrup shows new tactics in Washington influence” by Tom Hamburger in The Washington Post. Wisconsin: “$32 Million Spent Lobbying State Legislators in 2013” by Bill Lueders in Urban […]

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Lobbying “K Street’s holdouts are partisan, proud” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill. California: “Lobbying firm fined $133K for gifts to lawmakers” by Fenit Nirappil (Associated Press) in the San Jose Mercury News. Florida: “Senate considers lobbying rules for tax […]

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The Ottawa, Ontario ethics code is being evaluated today against the backdrop of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s recent public indulgences and transgressions. At an event being held at Carleton University titled “Could Rob Ford’s Antics Happen in Ottawa?” Mayor Jim […]

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On February 7, the Senate Committee on Education reviewed testimony from the Hawaii State Ethics Commission regarding its concerns about SB 2423. Introduced in January, the bill authorizes the Department of Education to accept gifts or donations based on criteria […]

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February 10, 2014  •  

Monday News Roundup

Lobbying “Coffee shop known for hosting White House meetings with lobbyists closing” by Kevin Liptak in CNN’s Political Ticker. “Top Dollars Go To Health Care Lobbying” by Kent Cooper in Roll Call’s Political MoneyLine. “New job for long-time Wall Street […]

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Gov. Nathan Deal has signed into law a bill changing the assignment of the state’s ethics agency to the State Accounting Office from the Secretary of State for budgetary purposes. In addition to moving the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign […]

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        National: Small Super PACs Playing Outsize Role in Senate Races National Journal – Scott Bland and Alex Roarty | Published: 2/3/2014 Small, state-based outside groups that are allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money have […]

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Two proposals in Philadelphia could finally establish a dollar limit on gifts to city employees. The city’s Board of Ethics again revised its proposed gift limit to $50 with an outright ban on cash gifts. The initial proposals allowed for […]

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        National: Bob and Maureen McDonnell Join the Club: Political spouses facing scandal Washington Post – Krissah Thompson and Richard Leiby | Published: 1/28/2014 The latest scandal on the political scene is the indictment of former Virginia Gov. […]

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January 30, 2014  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying “Obama should praise lobbyists more, lobbyists say” by Zachary Roth in MSNBC. “Lobbying falls for third year in a row” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill. Arizona: “Senator tries again to ban tickets from lobbyists” by Hank Stephenson and […]

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January 29, 2014  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying “Lobbying World” in The Hill. “K Street wants less bashing of lobbyists” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill. “Lobbyist trades K Street for MLB” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill. New York: “Ethics panel: Some groups can keep donors […]

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Lobbying “K Street getting a big boost” by Kevin Bogardus and Erik Wasson in The Hill. “Business eyes debt limit without fear” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill. Alabama: “Birmingham powerbrokers spending less on lobbying” by Anna McFall in the […]

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January 27, 2014  •  

Monday News Roundup

Lobbying “Lobbyist Spending Scaled Back 12 Percent In 2013” by Eric Brown in International Business Times. “Lobbyists Take a Financial Hit With Do-Nothing Congress” by Eric Pianin in the Financial Times. “Lobby firms sweep up new clients” by Megan R. […]

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        National: More Compliance Chiefs Get Direct Line to Boss Wall Street Journal – Gregory Millman and Ben DiPietro | Published: 1/15/2014 Many companies have responded to more aggressive government enforcement efforts by touting their compliance programs and […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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