November 8, 2016 •
Chicago, IL Board of Ethics Wants Electronic Filing for Lobbyists
The Chicago Board of Ethics recently submitted two amendments to City Council, potentially affecting lobbyist filing procedures. One amendment would require lobbyists to file all documents electronically in the Electronic Lobbyist Filing (ELF) system. The other amendment would establish enforcement […]
The Chicago Board of Ethics recently submitted two amendments to City Council, potentially affecting lobbyist filing procedures.
One amendment would require lobbyists to file all documents electronically in the Electronic Lobbyist Filing (ELF) system. The other amendment would establish enforcement provisions related to the electronic filing requirement.
Unless a majority of aldermen vote to disapprove them, the amendments will become effective on December 11, 2016. Once effective, the Board of Ethics will implement the new procedures beginning January 1, 2017. Paper filings will no longer be accepted after December 31, 2016.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting