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On August 14, Citizens United filed suit in federal court against Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler. The lawsuit is a response to Deputy Secretary of State Suzanne Staiert’s June decision classifying the group’s upcoming documentary as a reportable electioneering […]

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Bob Beauprez came out on top in the Colorado GOP gubernatorial primary on Tuesday. The former congressman accepted his party’s nomination after besting fellow candidates Tom Tancredo, Scott Gessler, and Mike Kopp in a four-way race. GOP strategists worried a […]

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On Thursday, June 5, Colorado Deputy Secretary of State Suzanne Staiert issued an agency decision in response to Citizens United’s petition for declaratory order. Citizens United requested its upcoming documentary be excluded from the definition of reportable electioneering communication by […]

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Colorado state legislators recently passed a bill aimed at increasing lobbying transparency. Senate Bill 14-217 passed the House by unanimous vote on May 7, demonstrating bipartisan support for changes in lobbyist disclosure requirements. The bill requires lobbyist subcontractors receiving business […]

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The Colorado Ethics Commission, which has long been accused of partisanship, is likely to face more criticism in light of a recent ruling. On Monday, April 14, the commission voted to dismiss a complaint against Democratic Governor John Hickenlooper. Hickenlooper […]

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The city of Lakewood, Colorado revised its campaign finance ordinance; the new provisions are effective April 1. The most notable change is a shift away from state law. Colorado allows any municipality with an adopted ordinance covering any issue addressed […]

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Jane Feldman is stepping down as Executive Director of the Colorado Independent Ethics Commission. She is the first and only director to serve, as the commission is a product of a 2006 ethics ballot measure. Luis Toro, director of Colorado […]

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Deputy Secretary of State Suzanne Staiert issued an advisory opinion on February 6 addressing the formation of independent expenditure committees by political parties. Although an advisory opinion is not binding, its purpose is to provide clarification regarding the agency’s interpretation […]

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On Thursday, the Colorado Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court ruling striking down rules reducing or eliminating disclosure requirements for issue committees, political committees, and more than 500 political organizations. The rules, put forth by Secretary of State Scott […]

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for April 2014

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Consolidation and clarification of rules on agenda

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Asks state congressional delegation to introduce constitutional amendment

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Questions address issue committee registration thresholds

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Changes primarily pertain to violations and penalties

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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