Campaign Finance Archives - Page 180 of 290 - State and Federal Communications

Vendors and lobbyists are now required to disclose campaign contributions and affirm the disclosed contributions were made without the expectation of a governmental benefit in return. The late-2015 amendment requires disclosure of contributions to county officials and county-level candidates if […]

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The Washington Attorney General’s Office has been asked to give an informal opinion as to whether initiative campaigns need to disclose top five donors on signature gathering petitions. This request comes from Senator Pam Roach, who is taking issue with […]

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David Stewart, the head of a Pennsylvania construction business, pleaded guilty last week, on behalf of one of his businesses, for making illegal campaign contributions. The scheme involved executives at The Stewart Companies being reimbursed by the business for making […]

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Redondo Beach City Council will consider adopting an ordinance to reform local campaign finance rules. The proposed ordinance will include new campaign contribution limits and a prohibition on nonelection cycle contributions. The details of the ordinance, including contribution limit amounts, […]

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May 2, 2016  •  

Monday News Roundup

Campaign Finance “Sanders Is Biggest Spender of 2016 So Far – Generating Millions for Consultants” by Matea Gold and Anu Narayanswamy for Washington Post Colorado: “House Votes for Disclosure of Independent Spending on Ads Touting Political Parties” by Jeff Roberts […]

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National: Dennis Hastert Sentenced to 15 Months, and Apologizes for Sex Abuse New York Times – Monica Davey, Julie Bosman, and Mitch Smith | Published: 4/27/2016 A judge sentenced former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert to 15 months in federal prison […]

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April 28, 2016  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying California: “Here Are All the Sports Events California State Lawmakers Attended for Free” by Javier Panzar for Los Angeles Times Campaign Finance Maine: “LePage Vetoes Proposed Fix to Maine Clean Election Fund” by A.J. Higgins for Maine Public Broadcasting […]

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Lobbying California: “The Most Influential Person on the Coastal Commission May Be This Lobbyist” by Kim Christensen for Los Angeles Times Campaign Finance “Congressmen Challenge ‘Bipartisan Shakedown’ Pressuring Members to Raise $18,000 Every Day” by Chance Seales for WCMH Alaska: […]

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Former state lawmaker Holli Woodings is leading the campaign for a voter initiative to make large-scale changes to state ethics laws. Changes would include prohibiting political contributions from state contractors as well as cutting contribution limits across the board, banning […]

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The Michigan election law enacted by last session’s Senate Bill 571 is facing yet another legal challenge. A group of labor unions filed suit against the State of Michigan claiming that the law is unconstitutional. The contested provision of the […]

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April 21, 2016  •  

Thursday News Roundup

Lobbying “Trade Group for Lobbyists Closing Down” by Megan Wilson for The Hill “Va. Lawmakers Sustain Series of McAuliffe Vetoes” by Jim Nolan for Richmond Times Dispatch Campaign Finance “Inquiry of Mayor de Blasio Fund-Raising Extends to ’14 State Senate […]

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April 20, 2016  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying “Lobbyists and Corporations, Arm-in-Arm” by Rani Molla for “What is Shadow Lobbying? How Influence Peddlers Shape Policy in the Dark” by Libby Watson for Sunlight Foundation Campaign Finance “PAC Donations from Elderly Donors Draw Scrutiny” by Fredreka Schouten […]

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Lobbying Colorado: “Lobbyist Ben Walters May Be in Hot Water for Lying to Lawmakers” by Marianne Goodland for Colorado Independent Louisiana: “Who’s Really Being Wined and Dined? Louisiana Legislators Trying to Clear up Vague Lobbyist Disclosure Laws” by Elizabeth Crisp […]

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On April 14, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) considered a motion to open a rule-making concerning whether to require entities accepting political contributions from corporations to verify those corporations are associations of United States citizens who are eligible to contribute. […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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