December 17, 2015 •
California FPPC Adopts Amendment to Gift Regulation
On December 17, 2015, the Fair Political Practices Commission amended its regulations related to agency provided tickets or passes. Currently, tickets and passes an agency provides to agency officials for entertainment, amusement, or recreational events are treated as gifts. Regulation […]
On December 17, 2015, the Fair Political Practices Commission amended its regulations related to agency provided tickets or passes. Currently, tickets and passes an agency provides to agency officials for entertainment, amusement, or recreational events are treated as gifts.
Regulation 18944.1 creates an exception from the statutory definition of “gift” for tickets or passes provided by an agency to certain agency officials under specified circumstances, allowing agency officials to use tickets and passes without violating the state’s gift law.
The proposed regulation was adopted with a vote of 5-0. It will go into effect 30 days after filing with the Secretary of State.
September 25, 2015 •
Proposed Constitutional Amendment Increasing Campaign Finance Disclosure to Appear on California’s 2016 Ballot
A proposed constitutional amendment has been submitted to appear on the November 2016 ballot. This measure, titled The Voters’ Right to Know Act, would increase campaign finance disclosure requirements and eliminate gifts to public officials from certain entities. The act […]
A proposed constitutional amendment has been submitted to appear on the November 2016 ballot.
This measure, titled The Voters’ Right to Know Act, would increase campaign finance disclosure requirements and eliminate gifts to public officials from certain entities.
The act is designed to remove the “dark money” loopholes of nonprofit contributors by requiring anyone contributing $10,000 or more to be identified if that money winds up supporting a political effort. It also calls for updating and improving the electronic reporting system, clearer disclosure of contributors on television ads, and stronger penalties for violators.
The act also would ban gifts to public officials from lobbyists and lobbyist employers. The monetary limit on gifts to public officials from individuals would be lowered to $200 from the current amount of $460.
Backers of this proposition hope it will lead to greater transparency and encourage greater engagement from all voters.
December 12, 2011 •
FPPC Passes New Gift Regulations
Regulations take effect January 1, 2012
The California Fair Political Practices Commission has approved changes to the gift regulations which will take effect on January 1, 2012.
Changes to the regulations include the ability for public officials to accept gifts from lobbyists without disclosure if a dating relationship exists.
Additionally, officials will be able to accept tickets to sporting events if the officials are attending the event to perform a ceremonial duty.
In such circumstances, the gifts are to be reported by the agency and not the official.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting