Board of Ethics Archives - State and Federal Communications

October 13, 2020  •  

Chicago Lobbyist Report Deadline Extended

Chicago River at Michigan Avenue - David Wilson

The Chicago Board of Ethics extended the lobbyist third quarter activity report deadline. Due to problems with the ELF system, the deadline is extended from October 20 to October 26. Reports must be submitted electronically through the ELF system. The […]

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Philadelphia from South Street Bridge - by King of Hearts

The Philadelphia Board of Ethics announced the 2020 lobbying training schedule. The virtual training will cover ethics rules, registering, and filing expense reports with the Board of Ethics. At this time, it is not mandatory to attend one of the […]

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Chicago River at Michigan Avenue - David Wilson

The Chicago Board of Ethics announced it will begin enforcing Ordinance 2-156-309 on October 1. The ordinance prohibits state and local elected officials from lobbying City Council or any city agency, department, board, or commission. In a press release announcing […]

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Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios is asking Circuit Court Judge Sanjay Tailor to void the county’s pay-to-play provisions. Current ethics rules limit campaign contributions from those who seek official action from the county. Berrios argues only the state has the […]

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Last week, the executive director of the Chicago Board of Ethics told the mayor and aldermen they could buy Cubs playoff tickets at face value provided they went to the game themselves and were publicly acknowledged by having their names […]

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Brian Spano, chairman of the Denver Board of Ethics, has resigned due to a potential conflict of interest. Spano is a law partner with Kristin Bronson, the newly appointed city attorney. Mayor Michael Hancock appointed Bronson in mid-August, and she […]

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The Board of Ethics formally submitted its revised Rules & Regulations to the City Council on August 19. The rules govern board activities in conformation with the provisions of the Governmental Ethics Ordinance. Unless the City Council, by majority vote, […]

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On March 21, the Chicago Board of Ethics posted a summary of its reverse revolving door ruling on the city’s website. The ruling comes from a case brought before the board for the purpose of reviewing the conduct of a […]

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The Philadelphia Board of Ethics staff has released a revised gift proposal following claims its initial proposed limits were too lax. The new suggested limits are a ban on gifts of more than $100, with a limit of $25 on […]

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Due Date Remains Same

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October 31, 2011  •  

Detroit Voters to Consider City Charter

Charter Proposes Ethics and Lobbying Reforms

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Lobbyist Registration Delayed Until November

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Law Facing Challenges from Philadelphia Bar Association

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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