Florida Constitution Revision Commission to Consider Revolving Door Amendment - State and Federal Communications

March 19, 2018  •  

Florida Constitution Revision Commission to Consider Revolving Door Amendment

Once every 20 years, the Florida Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) convenes for the purpose of reviewing the state’s Constitution and proposing changes for voter consideration. The CRC travels around the state for approximately one year to identify issues, perform research, and propose constitutional amendments.

This year, the CRC is considering 37 amendments, including one related to ethics reform. The proposal, known as P-39, establishes a revolving door provision prohibiting lawmakers from lobbying local, state, and federal officials during their terms of office and prohibiting them from lobbying the Legislature and state agencies for six years after leaving office.

Similar waiting periods would apply to appointed officials as well as officials locally elected. Current law imposes a two-year waiting period and applies only to legislators and state officers or employees.

P-39 will be considered by the full CRC this week.

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