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Measure the Result of Citizens United Decision

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A new report offers ratings.

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March 7, 2012  •  

Lobbying Spending in the News

Spending on lobbying is up in California, Michigan, and New Jersey according to these articles:

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Here is your chance to “Ask the Experts” at State and Federal Communications, Inc.

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March 7, 2012  •  

Happy Birthday, Ohio!

State and Federal Communications sponsors reception in Washington, D.C.

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March 6, 2012  •  

Campaign Finance Fines and a Raid

In the news: A $30,000 fine for former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the feds raided the home and office of a person who did communication work for the 2010 campaign of District of Columbia Mayor Vincent Gray:

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March 6, 2012  •  

Social Media and Super Tuesday!

Here is a look at Super Tuesday through the lens of Facebook and Twitter:

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March 6, 2012  •  

Lobbying News Today

Vice President Biden, Jack Abramoff, and other latest lobbying news from around the country:

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2013 Budget

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March 5, 2012  •  

Super PAC Spending News Roundup

Today’s campaign finance news about Super PACs and their spending in the presidential and congressional races.

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Bills Relax Reporting Requirements and Allow Contributions by Insurance Companies

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Here are highlights from the latest edition of News You Can Use:

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“Fair Fight” Rule Not Enforced Since August

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March 2, 2012  •  

Texas Primary Date Changed

Runoff Election Date Also Rescheduled

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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